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Mercury Rx Computer
Mercury Can You Not

Soul Food-Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide We have a Mercury Retrograde coming up on December 13th at 8* degrees Capricorn at 2:09 am EST, which will be moving backward into Sagittarius on 12-23-23, starting the FIRE sign retrograde, which will be the focus of 2024. To start the New Year off, Mercury will station direct on...

Mercury Rx Computer
Mercury Rx Drunk Dial

Soul Food-Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide On August 23rd, the Sun entered Virgo, and Mercury went Retrograde at 21* of Virgo. At the same time, the Moon opposed Uranus, which may have brought up some uncertainty and conflicting feelings. However, as the Mercury Retrograde progresses on Sept. 9th, it will trine Jupiter, enabling your ideas to...

looking in mailbox
Ziggy Starrdust_Oct_2022

Hello, this one will be brief; however, Tuesday, I will be sending out a significant metaphysical Soul Food to all. If you’ve been reading Soul Food for 20+ years (as most of you have) or are new to Soul Food, you may have noticed I’m not using mail chimp at the present time and have...

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