Soul Food-March Starr Scopes/How to Know What No Longer Serves You

March 2, 2024by Eva Starr0
what no longer serves me
what no longer serves
Starr Scopes Pisces
Starr Scopes PiscesSoul Food-March Starr Scopes/How to Know What No Longer Serves You

The March Starr Scopes are out. Find out your Lucky Charm this month & How your Zodiac sign can find Peace. At this juncture of the year, all the planets in our Solar System are going direct. Do I hear a YAHOO? However, that is about to change starting on April 1st when Mercury goes Retrograde; more on that in the Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide coming to my blog soon.

Let’s take advantage of March as we prepare for the Spring Equinox. This is when I reflect and purge what “no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.”

You may ask yourself, “How do I determine what no longer serves me?” I’ve outlined six steps below to help you decipher and filter out what’s not working in your life.

  1. You know! As the saying goes, “Trust your gut!” Even if you’re not intuitive, like myself, everyone has a gut feeling; go with it. You can tell if you’re walking down a dark alley and something doesn’t feel safe. When you walk into a party, you can tell if a particular individual casts off a bad vibe. As in the examples above, we know when something’s not working for us. Whether we want to admit it or not, is a whole ‘nother ball game. A habit of daily meditation will help fine-tune your intuitive sense.

2. Does it bring you joy? I like to use this one when going through the rooms in my home and doing my spring cleaning. Being that I’m a Cancer and incredibly sentimental, I’m usually attached to things that have some meaning to me. For example, I was out of town and stayed at an Airbnb in the middle of no man’s land. I found a quaint little resale shop and bought a unique sea-green stone Mermaid business card holder. The experience itself is etched in my memory as something that brought me joy and excitement on the find.

While I’m purging, if I come across something I bought at a Walmart, chances are keeping it isn’t high on my priority list. For me, it’s the things that have a memory attached to them or who I was with. You’ve         got to decide for yourself: “Does it bring me joy?” Do you light up when you see that particular thing in your home? Does it serve a purpose besides bringing you joy? These are the things you have to ask yourself. If it has meaning but you don’t have the space for it, take a photo of it.

Now, if it’s a job or a relationship, that’s a horse of a different color. However, it would be best to ask yourself the questions above. If there are parts of your job you’re not crazy about but enjoy most of it in the long run, that’s something you can keep. If you and your significant other have a good relationship besides the random debate or argument, then they’re a keeper. You know when it’s time to move on and when not! Journaling about anything is an excellent way to help clarify anything you’re unsure about.

  1. Are you looking for a distraction? If you spend time with someone and check your phone to see if you have messages or keep looking at the clock because you can’t wait for it to end, that’s a no-brainer. Activities and relationships that feed your Soul, then the time usually flies, and before you know it, 5-6 hours have gone by. If you hope the night never ends as opposed to God, I can’t wait to get out of here; “Here’s your Sign.”

4. Do you dread it like the plague? Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or a hobby, if the thought of doing it makes you think you’d rather have a root canal, then I’d say it probably doesn’t serve who you are and who you are becoming. But then again, you might be the rare individual who enjoys having a root canal. If you’d rather be digging ditches on the midnight shift in the cemetery than doing this thing, then maybe you’ll want to put that on your list of things that no longer serve who you are and who you are becoming.

5. You leave feeling horrible about yourself! This usually applies to relationships, but it could also pertain to a career. If this thing makes you feel bad about yourself, and you go home kicking yourself in the ass, saying in the mirror WHY do I keep subjecting myself to this, chances are it’s not serving you. If you come home feeling depressed and wish you were doing anything else, even counting straight pens in a box of 100, then I would start devising a plan to get rid of that particular blood-sucking event or person. If you must drink three tequila shots to visit this person, there’s another sign. Need I spell it out for you?         What are you waiting for?

  1. Is it in your future? If you can see yourself six months down the road, five years down the road, or Hell, even two weeks down the road without this particular thing, job, relationship, or hobby not being in your life, chances are there’s a reason. If something doesn’t resonate with your core beliefs and values, there’s a strong probability it doesn’t belong in your future and doesn’t serve who you are and who you are becoming.

Years ago, when I taught the Louise Hay classes, there was a meditation exercise I would lead my students through. It was called the fork in the road. Intuitively, your heart, your gut, your intuition, and if you’re more linear, your brain usually knows what’s best for you even when you don’t.

Miracles Happen when you Surrender


Blessings from Rosie, Myself, & Ziggy Starrdust


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