Soul Food-Full Moon/Release & Let Go of your Grip

February 26, 2024by Eva Starr0
let go ballon
Virgo_Full Moon
Soul Food-Full Moon/Release & Let Go of Your Grip

The Full Moon occurred over the weekend on Saturday. My life seems to get more full every time I try to slow it down and take a break! My apologies for being a bit behind on my blogs.

The Full Moon occurred in Virgo at 5° for those of you who are following your charts. This Full Moon is opposite Mercury and Saturn, bringing up serious talks around difficult issues. Mercury is the Messenger of the Gods, and Saturn is the Taskmaster. Just imagine that nun you had in parochial school, as you were being reprimanded for talking. You tried to explain, but sister looked at you with that stern look on her face with the ruler in her hand.

I wouldn’t back off on having your conversations; I would know there might be some opposition. However, the good news is on the 28th, which is this coming Wednesday, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will join each other on the school playground. The Sun always brings with it a little sunshine on those communications and those hard, fast talks. So I would wait until Wednesday when the moon is in peacemaking Libra to have any heavy-duty conversations.

The Moon (in Virgo) at the time of writing this blog, and during the Full Moon, being in analytical, critical Virgo while Mercury just entered sentimental confused Pisces makes for challenging, confusing conversations. The Moon in Virgo is conducive for going through your closets or cleaning out your office, where the organizational energy of Virgo is better utilized.

Mercury will continue its visit in the sign of Pisces until the 10th of March when it will enter Aries following the New Moon. Until then, you’ll notice that your thoughts are more in the clouds; there are cobwebs in the brain. You’re more interested in dreaming of unicorns and fantasizing about how wonderful living in a world like Harry Potter would be.

With the current Moon opposing Mercury, it is harder to understand your feelings and share them with others. People might think you went off the deep end. However, if you’re like me, you’d care less about what people think. I learned from Teri Cole-Whittaker What you Think of me is None of my Business.

With the Moon opposing Saturn, you may tend to buy into sadness, fear, worry, and limitation; there’s already enough of that happening in the world. I would suggest you put that energy to good use and buckle down on a task you’ve been putting off. Anything regarding purging and release would be excellent for the Full Moon’s energy.

The energy of the conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will last from the 24th of February to March 3rd. That is a short window; use this time to think about challenging issues and get down to some serious thinking involving long-term goals, your responsibilities, and or boundaries. This is a time when important decisions need to be made (interestingly enough, something has come to me over the last week that I need to make some serious decisions over). The Universe does have Divine Timing.

All is not doom and gloom, however. This karmic alignment of the Moon’s conjunction with Saturn on the 28th of February may bring some hard lessons that must be attended to. However, there is a nice sextile (favorable aspect) to Jupiter, which brings a positive outcome.

With Saturn always comes lessons to be learned. Success will come through hard work, patience, and endurance. However, as Saturn goes, consequences will be delivered if you ignore the lessons.

I’ve talked about letting go forever and a day since I’ve been writing this blog (close to 25 years now). I’ll let these images say it all for you. Remember what Louise Hay taught you: “I release and let go of anything & everything that no longer serves who I am & who I am becoming!”

How this Full Moon affects your Zodiac sign



Love & Blessings from Ziggy Starrdust

He knows how to “Let Go”


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