
This is a test

shaved Ziggy Starrdust
universe abhors a vacuum
let go of what you can't change
free bird
dead leaves

Soul Food-The Immense Freedom of Letting Go Thirty-two years ago, I was going through a divorce. I had (or so I thought) let go of everything but couldn’t understand why things were not moving forward; the process took two grueling, painful years. One day in speaking to my mentor, she said to me, “you haven’t...

Ziggy Starrdust Gets a Suntan

Soul Food-New Moon in Cancer Tonight, at 7:52pm/PDT & 10:52pm/EDT the New Moon in Cancer at 7* 22’ meets up with a square to Jupiter, a semi-sextile to Venus, while Venus sextiles Jupiter. Jupiter is spirituality, expansion, and fortune, while the square is telling us don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. It...


Soul Food-If You Could See the World thru the… I haven’t written a blog since June 3rd, that’s exactly 24 days ago. Interestingly enough I just had my 67th birthday on June 24th. I spent yesterday (Sunday) at my daughter Shayna’s home with her & her fiancé Brittany. What brings me to write this today...

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