Soul Food-What Color is Your Sky?-Astrology Made Easy Coming SOON!

August 15, 2022by Eva Starr0
way of thinking
seeing things differently
different colors

What Color is Your Sky?-Astrology Made Easy Coming SOON!


We all know that our opinion is just one opinion in a sea of opinions, but we still assume that our opinion is as common as the stars in the night sky.

This causes another bias to creep into our thinking and judgment. If we assume the commonness of our own opinions, experiences, and judgments, then it must mean that everyone else is thinking and experiencing the same thing. Thus, we can assume we know what they are thinking or feeling.

Which isn’t true. We have no idea! – Boom Shika


This is known as a cognitive bias in the psychology field. It’s something I’m guilty of, and probably all of us are guilty of at one time or another. It’s one thing to be guilty of this way of thinking, but it’s a horse of a different color when we’re aware of it! (which I am) I catch myself frequently making statements about this or that, then I reflect and remind myself that everyone’s sky is a different color than mine.

I never knew that each of us has different color rods in our eyes. A few weeks back, my daughter Shayna had just had her nails done, and she said they’re purple, and I said no, that’s Fuchsia (or something like that, I don’t recall precisely what color either one of us said). We went back and forth over this debate for about five minutes. Who the _ uck cares what the _ucking color is? I bring this up because it reminds me of all the silly, stupid, trivial things we get upset over because other people disagree with our way of thinking or seeing the sky.

No one on the planet has the same DNA or, for that matter, the same astrology chart! Even twins are different! So, with that being said, how can we expect to think the same way? We come from different cultures, geographical areas, religions, etc.

I remember from my Louise Hay training that everyone is doing their best with the knowledge and awareness they have at that moment in time and based on how their parents taught them, or lack of parents, etc. This is such a freeing way to think! I’m not saying it’s easy, and I’m not saying I can do this every time. However, the thought of realizing that would eliminate a lot of senseless stress and time wasted debating issues with people who don’t think the way I do. Ah, I feel I can breathe better already!

Remember that you will not shift people to your way of thinking unless they’re on the fence. If they are on the fence, unless they ASK you for your opinion, they should be able to choose what side of the fence they want to be on.

That’s what causes all the wars in this world, people fighting over their differences of opinion. I’m not saying we should agree with how serial killers, murderers, or any other type of evil in this world operates. I am saying that WE can choose WHO we want in our world based on our beliefs; it’s as simple as that.

The world needs diversity, or else we’d all be walking around like a bunch of Stepford Wives. That would be just as insane, in my humble opinion. We’re not mind readers, nor should we think that “other” people can read our minds. This is the basis of most arguments in relationships. We have these “rules” in our heads that 2+2=4, and we think the people in our world understand our “rules” of “I want you to pick the restaurant” or “I’d rather our alone time be late at night instead of first thing in the morning.” Even as intuitive as I am, I’m not a fricken’ mind reader. I’ve learned to “ask” for what I want or discuss how I feel about certain things with someone important enough in my life.

Keep this in mind when you enter into a new relationship, whether it be romantic or a platonic friendship. I’m not suggesting you hand over your Book of Rules. But as things come up, let people know your “hot buttons” or your preferences regarding items that are important to you. It would save a lot of wasted time, energy, and stress. It’s similar to starting a new job, or when you were younger and started a new school. They gave you a handbook of what to expect, what was acceptable behavior, and what was forbidden and meant expulsion or being terminated from a job.

How do we change our biases and try to better understand others’ ways of thinking? It helps to imagine the other person is speaking a foreign language, one that you’re not versed in, and you don’t speak Italian, German, or Spanish. Your differing view points threaten what they’ve held dear to their heart most of their lives, not that they dislike you or some other crazy idea you’ve conjured up in your head. Some people are jealous that you’re living your life as you want to, and they feel regret. Whatever their reason, you’re bringing all the skeletons out of their closets they tried to keep shut for so many years!

Astrology Made Easy


Writing this has helped me sort through my biases, and I am excited to move forward to (at least try) not sweat the small stuff anymore. Thank you for reading, and take a look at my upcoming Astrology Made Easy classes by clicking on the link! Class is filling up fast; get your spot today!




Ziggy Starrdust


Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr



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