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passion romance
yellow brick road
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

Soul Food-New Moon in Pisces/Tinkerbell Last night’s New Moon occurred at 7:45/EST and 4:45/PST at 9° Pisces. This New Moon brings with it a mixed bag of tricks. Pisces, known as the spiritual sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by Neptune, characterized by the Two Fishes swimming in opposite directions, and governed by Jupiter Ancient...

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Secrets of Happiness I watched a talk given by Deepak Chopra last night and this is what I learned, which I will share with you. There’s something called molecules of emotion, wherever a thought goes a molecule follows and it effects our biology. The ultimate goal of all goals is a Spiritual goal, which include...

April 10, 2020Soul Foodby Eva Starr

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