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MOON SQUARE URANUS: WARNING: This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may cause side effects resulting in rapid mood swings and a strong feeling to rebel against anyone or anything trying to restrict your need for freedom! This may lead to sudden changes in your relationships resulting in new encounters of a third kind. Be extra patient with friends and family at all costs, and beware of erratic behavior and/or unforeseen outbursts.

Sunday morning March 12th, at 7:54amPDT/10:54amEDT the moon will reach its peak of fullness at 22* Virgo, (this reflects Daylight Savings Time). With the Sun in Pisces opposing the moon in Virgo we have the dreaming, illusory head in the clouds energy (Pisces) facing the nothing but the facts mam disciplinarian (Virgo) attitude coming to...

Tonight brings about a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23* Leo/Aquarius 7:33pmEST/4:33pmPST. If you are a Leo/Aquarius, Taurus/Scorpio or have planets in those signs between 19-27 degrees this will hit you the hardest. What all this means in a nutshell: are you ready? things are about to change, however, as things go these issues have...

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