Soul Food-Full Moon-Discipline vs Dreaming

March 11, 2017by Eva Starr0

Sunday morning March 12th, at 7:54amPDT/10:54amEDT the moon will reach its peak of fullness at 22* Virgo, (this reflects Daylight Savings Time). With the Sun in Pisces opposing the moon in Virgo we have the dreaming, illusory head in the clouds energy (Pisces) facing the nothing but the facts mam disciplinarian (Virgo) attitude coming to a head.

What do we do with this? We take a look at where we’ve been, the habits that are taking us nowhere, ditch them…add some habitual routine and discipline to our life (don’t go overboard) and find the balance.

I myself prefer the dreaming, out-there so to speak, Piscean fish swimming around in it’s pond dreaming up the next escape route to never-never land. However, as dreams go, we wake up and face reality.

Does this mean we throw the baby out with the bath water as we clean up our act? Absolutely not! We look around our lives, careers, and our homes and see what needs a face-lift.

With the Virgo energy we want to look at nutrition, our bodies, and our routines or lack-there-of and tweak it enough to keep us healthy and stable while allowing the periods of spiritual reflection and fantasizing our future to still exist. Yes, you’ll be walking a tight-rope, but I have faith in you; if I can do it (I’m not exactly the queen of law-and-order) then you surely can.

Here’s my plan:

  • Put some organization and order into my life (of course, I’ll need  a detailed step-by-step plan)
  • Start hooping daily and keep drinking those awful looking “green” smoothies
  • Finally get a routine going, or something that simulates one, (which will help me stay organized)
  • Then I’ll have “more” time for the Piscean things like drinking wine, daydreaming, and meditating

Streamline the above plan to fit your needs and desires and we’re off and running. Remember my cardinal rule with the full moon: “let go of what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming.”

Solar Return flavors of the month: Aquarius, Pisces and Aries, this is the last chance to capitalize on the 50% discounts. Prices change with the upcoming Spring Equinox March 20th.

Click here for a look at the full moon in your sign.

Thank you for your support,

Ziggy Starrdust & I thank you!

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