Starr Food-How to Use the Energies of this Full Moon & How it Can Help You

June 16, 2019by Eva Starr0

June 17, Monday at 4:31am/EDT 1:31am/PDT at 26* Sagittarius if the Full Strawberry Moon opposing the Gemini Sun. Using the energies of the Moon, whether waxing (New Moon) waning (Full Moon) or any other variation of the moon’s phases and planets, just makes sense. The Solar System has been around for 4.571 billion years! That’s an astronomical fact for me to wrap my brain around. Are you or anyone going to argue or question something that has been in existence for that long?

Nature guides, teaches, and enlightens those who listen, with nature we can create magic in our lives. If you haven’t read Elizabeth Gilbert’s (author of Eat, Love, Pray) book Big Magic, I suggest you give it a look. I will guide you in the next few paragraphs in how to let go of what no longer is necessary from the last moon cycle, while setting your intentions and desires for this full moon.

This full moon has a lot going on, this moon in Sagittarius is optimistic, positive, and expansive, a look at the bigger picture of life. We are meant to deliver our intentions with the bow and arrow of the Centaur, allowing our natural birth right of abundance to just flow. This moon is also conjunct Jupiter (Sagittarius’ ruling planet) squaring off with Neptune. Emotions will rise up, and rise they will, be careful not to take things too personally, (one of my most challenging feats).

Squaring off with Neptune in Pisces, escapism and illusion are in the ring, and will take quite a beating. It’s knock-out time. The pressure cooker is ready to explode and its opposite Virgo? So what do we do with all this? Draw on your Practical Magic, declutter, tend to your health needs, detox.

With Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, (our words, communication) and Mars, the Warrior Planet, (our actions) both in Cancer fighting combat, the playing field just got hotter. As the volume escalates to an all-time high, give up control, step back, observe, and listen. If you follow the aforementioned advice you should escape with barely a scratch.

Full Moon Ritual (for this full moon in Sagittarius):

  • Call in the Moon Goddesses Isis & Diana
  • Invoke all directions, North, South, East, West
  • Drink water that’s been charged under the Full Moon
  • Crystals: Moonstone, Quartz, Sapphire, Aquamarine & Pearl
  • Oils: Sandalwood, Vanilla, Jasmine, Lemon, Rose
  • Release what didn’t serve you from the last moon cycle (write on paper & burn)
  • Write a Gratitude List for what came in, what you manifested and are thankful for
  • Make a list of desires you want to manifest for this next moon cycle
    • sing, chant, dance naked, and shout to the Moon your wishes
  • Give thanks, so mote it be, it is done, Namaste, whatever words you choose

Here is a Prosperity affirmation you might like, it recognizes that our abundance is unconditional, as is love.

Like love, money is unconditional. I allow money to move freely and

abundantly through my life to bless myself and all humankind.

Solar Return Specials “Zodiac Flavors of the Month” click here

With Love, Gratitude, & Blessings, Eva Starr



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