I am a huge Patsy Cline fan, always have been. I feel drawn to her music and definitely feel a connection to the words & lyrics, maybe it’s her Mercury conjunct my Moon, or her North Node in my 12th house? Hmmn. One of my favorite songs of hers is “If I Could See the World thru the Eyes of a Child” (click for video) I would play over & over & over again. Children are so innocent before they’re taught prejudices, fears, judgments, or hate. Maybe if the world adopted the attitude of seeing things thru the eyes of a child, what a beautiful place this would be.
Life in 2020 has definitely changed for many of us, if not all of us. It takes me back to the first principle I learned in Metaphysics 101, “It’s not WHAT happens to you, it’s how you RESPOND to what happens to you!” If five people in five different vehicles driving home get a flat tire, I guarantee you that all five people will respond in five different ways. Take the Covid-19 situation our world is experiencing right now, I can absolutely bet my last bottom dollar that there are a multitude (if not millions) of different ways, attitudes, & thought processes going on in how each of us is responding.
Life as we knew it is DIFFERENT! Period! That doesn’t make it better or worse, just different! I happen to be one of those people who look at the glass half full, not half empty, that doesn’t make me better than you, just different. Some people eat monkeys, I eat snails, one isn’t better or worse than the other, simply different.
I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, we don’t need to bring politics into it, because that just nails home my point even stronger. The Democrats aren’t right, nor are the Republicans right, we just have differing views. That reminds me of the Kenny Chesney song “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” (which I wrote a blog on not too long ago) Same with the social unrest happening in this world, we are all just like the 64 Crayola crayon box, a bunch of different colors all together in one box. You don’t hear the Periwinkle crayon starting a fight with the Sea Green crayon, now do you? They all realize they have their own unique colors not one color better than the other.
Back to the Covid-19, yes life has changed, I myself, lost both my part-time jobs on March 13th, one as an educational aide for the schools, the other as a bartender for the Metroparks at one of their banquet facilities. Both are still closed, and both look like when and if they reopen it’s going to look like a whole new box of Crayola crayons. However, if I recalculate my internal GPS to adjust for the changes in my world, I’m sure it will lead me to where I need to be and what I need to be doing.
Looking at life through a different lens opens up a plethora of opportunities that we may have not seen before. What works for me is if I take a stroll down “days gone by” (which us Cancer’s love to do, I see I’ve gone through much worst traumas & disasters in my life, and I’ve made it through all of them. It does help if you recognize CHANGE as the same thing as different, it’s just not the same color sky you’re used to looking at.

Try these three tips to help you adjust to all the changes happening in the world today:
- Change it up! I walk a few times a week and/or ride my bike. Try going a different route. Change something in your routine, if you eat the same cereal, try a new one. Wear a different color lipstick. You don’t need to change your entire life around (although I have done that) just change a few things so you get used to the idea of change.
- Reclaim your power. No one does anything to you. Not the government, not your spouse, nor your children, we alone are responsible for how we think & react. Try reading a copy of Louise Hay’s The Power Is Within You originally published in 1991, that will surely get you thinking down a different road.
- Create a new reality. I taught Treasure Mapping classes for years before The Secret came out & coined it Vision Board. It doesn’t matter what you call it, just visualize where you want to be and what you want to do. See it first, then take some action steps, the Universe has your back.
Blessings to All,
Eva Starr