Soul Food – What do YOU See?

March 14, 2023by Eva Starr0
What do YOU see?
Feng Shui & Astrology
What Do YOU See?

Soul Food – What do YOU See?

I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire this week and since the last few weeks if I’m being totally honest. However, as we all know, life goes on, and our challenge is to deal with it the best we can. Sometimes, the most healing way to deal with the things that are hurling toward us, like an asteroid shooting out of the sky, is to understand “ourselves” and what makes us tick. By delving into our shadow side, those dark closets that we’ve stuffed all the skeletons into, hoping that one day they don’t all come to life and attack us from the dead, helps us understand our emotions. How we deal internally and externally with those, or how we run like hell, thinking they’re the boogeyman, hoping that one day they don’t see the real us that we’ve been running from, is what “frees” us!

What Do YOU See?Now, I’m no doctor or psychotherapist, but I have studied metaphysics (with Louise Hay) and Astrology (since the early ’70s), and I DO know a few things. Did I mention I’ve lived through two severe bouts with Pancreatitis, two childbirths, two divorces, lost five boyfriends, & two husbands through sudden death, moved 25 times, worked in the bar/restaurant industry, social-work with domestic violence, run away & abused teens, worked in homes Children Services didn’t want to go into, & worked the graveyard shift at a lock-up facility for severely emotionally disturbed & highly violent children from the ages of 6-18.  I do know a few things…

Over the weekend, I spent quite a bit of time learning a helluva lot of different techniques for looking at your chart, for predictive techniques, and timing of traumas in the life of a natal chart, amongst health issues, etc. Astrology isn’t just about “when will I meet my Soul Mate.” Of the plethora of techniques I was investigating this past weekend, derivative house systems were one. Too much astrological lingo to explain here, but basically, if I want to look at what type of partner a person attracts, basically flip the chart, then the 7th (house of relationships, becomes the first (house of self), and the first them becomes my 7th (house of partnerships).

This opened a whole new can of worms for me, which triggered a domino effect. I realized this represents a “mirror” of ourselves in who we attract, which then led me down the “Rabbit Hole,” which brought me back to something I learned in the Louise Hay certification intensive training that I took in San Diego. We did this exercise in the group by writing down three people we admired or looked up to; then, we wrote down three people we didn’t care for or had character traits we had a strong aversion to. Then we shared this with the group.

What we learned is to put it simply (thanks to a dear friend of mine who gave me the most simplistic way to explain this phenomenon) “if you “spot” it, you “got’ it! I think you’re all pretty smart cookies, and I don’t need to go into a dissertation about what that means. I used to always think if there was “something’ about another person I didn’t like, I couldn’t possibly have that trait in me. This is what I learned about that, you may just express it in another avenue of your life that you wouldn’t recognize as the same, or you may have worked through those negative traits and have evolved a rung or two up the self-growth ladder.

The bottom line is the people who drive you “bat-shit-crazy” reflect back the worst aspects of yourself that you’ve shoved in the closet. We judge others by the same criteria that we judge ourselves. If we judge ourselves by what type of car we drive, we will judge others but what type of car “they” drive. We are projecting our values onto others. Scary stuff, I know right?

More on this subject next time. I’ll leave you with this optical illusion.


What do YOU see?

The Apple – If you saw the apple first, this is said to mean that you are happy and content with what you see in life.

The voiceover explains: “If it’s an apple to you, you take things for what they are, and you are pretty happy with what you see in life. You know you can always rely on your close people and they will support you no matter what. You’re always in a good mood, and you pass it on to others.”

Two People – If you spotted two faces looking at each other first, it is said that you prioritize relationships in life, but you may be going through a period of uncertainty at the moment.

The voiceover says: “Relationships are your big priority in life. You might be going through a time of uncertainty with someone special to you. Remember, the best you can do is discuss it together and not hold it all in your heart. Things will surely get better.”



March Starr Scopes

Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr


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