Soul Food- The Four Scariest Words We Dread Hearing & Mars Goes Retrograde in Gemini
With Mars approaching Gemini on October 30th at 6:26 am/PDT & 9:26 am/EDT at 25* – until January 12th, 2022; (see the rest of the October lineup at Starr Scopes), it seems only fitting to combine my usual metaphysical beginning of the week blog with the upcoming Mars Rx station.
As with Mercury Retrograde, which I’ve been writing about for over two decades, we use the RE: Rule of Thumb – reevaluate, reconsider, review, revisit, etc., relative to the sign it’s transiting, which in this case Gemini (communication) coupled with the energy of Mars (action, quickness, sharpness, & anger) to name a few. With that being said, are you conjuring up pictures of little Martian warriors having a battle of words with their machetes? You’d be in the race if that’s what you’re thinking. It doesn’t have to be a War of Words if we follow a few simple rules.
We dread hearing the Four Scariest Words: “WE NEED TO TALK.” I remember one time a boss said that to me when I was bartending at the Holiday Inn right at the beginning of my shift. However, worse than those four words is when your boss tells you at the beginning of your shift and then adds, “when you’re done with your shift.” In those days, I worked 12-hour shifts, so now I had ALL night to think about what would happen at the night’s end. We all know it’s never good.
Mars direct in Gemini wants to talk. Mars Retrograde in Gemini wants us to reconsider how we communicate in every avenue you can imagine. We have two months to get this right or end up the one on the ground, sword through the heart, with the battle wounds to show.
Here are four easy rules to follow:
- Set up an appointment to have a conversation. That’s right; no one wants to be blind-sided about the “dreaded talk.” Make it short, simple, and direct. “I’d like to talk to you later today about the upcoming Halloween party when you have some free time.” Of course, I’m choosing a not-so-threatening topic, but you get a general idea here.
- Now that you’ve agreed on a time and have an idea of the theme, listen to what the person has to say and “mirror back” to them, so there’s a slim margin of error between what you heard and both parties are clear. For example: “I’m hearing you’d like to keep the Halloween party simple and short, with just a few friends and maybe a simple appetizer?”
- The next step is “validation,” which allows both parties to listen to the pros and cons of the idea, allowing emotions to be viewed and respected without being defensive and going into an outright defensive battle.
Now that we’ve had a chance to hear both sides, we can “emphasize” what the other person is feeling by understanding the emotions behind it. This removes us from the story by exploring the other person’s perspective. Let’s be honest here; we all think from time to time that “our” way of thinking is the “only” and the “right” way to think. I feel that’s why there’s so much division today.
There’s more to this endeavor than the simple steps I’ve laid out here. Most of us are dealing with three generations in today’s world: our elders and the millennials. I’m sure there are things we don’t understand about them and vice versa. I’m not saying that during this Mars Retrograde, we will be in complete agreement about everything. I am saying, “wouldn’t it be nicer if we opened our minds up to a different way of communicating and at least tried to understand where the other person (regardless of generation) is coming from?”
I’m just trying to give you a “head’s up for the last two months of the year, so you come out ahead of the game or, at the very least, break even.
On a side note, I’m looking for guests for the upcoming Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius TV shows. Contact me at [email protected] if you or anyone you know has an interesting hobby or career that would make an exciting guest on the show for the Flavor of the Month.
As always, Ziggy Starrdust & I thank you for your continued love & support!
Brian Hooper
October 18, 2022 at 4:22 pm
Nicely done!
Eva Starr
October 18, 2022 at 4:49 pm
Thank you Brian; coming from you, that is quite the compliment.