Soul Food-Sun enters Aquarius/New Lunar Moon Year of the Rabbit

January 20, 2023by Eva Starr0
new lunar moon year of the rabbit
aquar blog
New Moon Pisces

new lunar moon year of the rabbitSoul Food-Sun enters Aquarius/New Lunar Moon Year of the Rabbit.

Full steam ahead, the planets are moving forward. After a month of structure and traditional building of our foundations, we’re free to create a unique way of doing and thinking. JUST DO YOU!

Mars (our energy), Mercury (our intellect) & Uranus (changes) have gone direct or are about to (Uranus Jan. 22nd). The Sun (where we shine) has moved out of Capricorn (the responsible, practical Goat) into Aquarius, the rabble-rouser, free-thinker, change agent. It’s time to come out of the structured-four-squared box and move into the sandbox of life, play with the sand, build sand castles, and let that wild Spirit of yours loose to dream and do things you’ve only before imagined.

This New Moon occurs on Jan. 21st at 1* Aquarius 33′ (12:53 pm/PST & 3:53 pm/EST), which also moves us into the Year of the Rabbit. Looking at the New Moon chart, Mercury is making an aspect to Mars (a quincunx-an aspect with no relationship to the planets on either side, but must coexist within themselves). Imagine you have two different truths you believe in that cause a conflict within your belief system.

With Mercury forming a quincunx to Mars at the time of this New Moon, our thinking processes and speech are moving at the speed of light. We’ve suddenly become Einsteins with the barrage of ideas coming out of our little heads like lighting bolts. We’ve become akin to the Energizer Bunny wanting to share our new-found creative genius with anyone who’ll give us the time of day. We’re going to save the world.

However, beware; Mars quickens those words with its sword. Think before your speak; with all those brain-storming thoughts flying wild in your head, before you open mouth, insert foot. You risk speaking too fast without putting your brain in park before you’ve put it in drive. Karma can be nasty if you fail to heed this advice. Forewarned is Forearmed…just saying!

With my Aries rising, I have to be extra careful of this because I’ve got too many things going on simultaneously on a sub-par day. During this time, put one foot in front of the other before you rush off like the crazed Roadrunner wanting to implement everything all at once. The rabbit is quick to hop from one thing to another, but take your clues from the turtle, slow and steady, wins the race.

The Year of the Rabbit symbolizes longevity, peace, and prosperity in Chinese culture. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. (click here:) Year of the Rabbit.

Candle Color: Blue, purple, violet.

Crystals/Stones: Black moonstone (a good stone to work with during the new moon), amethyst, lapis lazuli, malachite, labradorite, black tourmaline, aquamarine.

Herbs/Tea: Mint, sage, mugwort, licorice root.

This is a good time to use a mugwort dream pillow. Simply place a sachet or small pillow filled with dried mugwort leaves and flowers under your pillow. Keep a dream journal and record your dreams. What insights, solutions, or unconventional ideas are your dreams giving you?

Essential Oils/Incense: Lavender, pine, mugwort (you can easily make a mugwort smoke wands using just the flowers of this plant).

Animal: Bird – particularly birds of prey (Eagle, hawk, owl – which are all active during this time of the year). (credit:

My Aquarius TV show is now released; (click here): Reach for the Moon

How this New Moon affects your Zodiac sign:

Ziggy Starrdust & I wish you all a Happy New Year of the Rabbit



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