Soul Food-Leaving Pisces entering Aries Season/Lunar Eclipse News
The Sun will enter Aries at 11:06 pm EDT, Mar 19. If a baby is born tomorrow EDT BEFORE 11:06 pm, it will be a Pisces, the Fish. If it is born AFTER 11:06 pm tomorrow, Mar 19, it is an Aries Ram. Those of you who’ve been guests on my TV show Reach for the Moon or watched the show have undoubtedly heard me talk about this. There is NOT a set time (Noon or Midnight) each month when the Sun changes signs; sometimes, it’s not even the same day.
For those of you cusp babies, if you’re not sure whether you’re one sign or the other, send me an email with your EXACT birth time, city, and state, drop a tip in the tip jar (donate button), and I will run your chart and send you a color-coded copy of your Natal chart to your email.
Most people will definitely feel the energy shift from a hazy, dreamy, mystical, fantasy world with the rose-colored glasses apparel to – let’s go, let’s get things done, now is the time to act. You’ll be running around like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. I have Aries rising and am looking forward to a new burst of energy. Yay, Spring; too bad the weather
outside is showing snowflakes here and there. Nevertheless, set your intentions for the upcoming astrological year that is upon us. You’ve had an entire Pisces month to meditate and daydream about what you want moving forward. Now, make a list, do a vision board, and implement those plans.
I will forewarn you that we are also entering the “shadow” period of Mercury Retrograde tomorrow. The upcoming Mercury Retrograde officially starts Monday, Apr 01, at 6:14 pm EDT. I suggest you get your taxes down before then and complete license renewals, tags, and e-checks. It’s crunch time, but you still have a couple of weeks before the official start of the Retrograde.
Another huge happening this month is the Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon on Monday, Mar 25, at 5* Libra opposing the Sun at 5* Aries, occurring at 3:00 am EDT and exactly Midnight PDT; for those of you with Libra, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn planets around those degrees within a five-degree orb. The Eclipse will be hitting you the hardest. Also, this is the first in a series of four this year. Here is a list:
- 2024 Mar 25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
- 2024 Apr 08: Total Solar Eclipse.
- 2024 Sep 18: Partial Lunar Eclipse.
- 2024 Oct 02: Annular Solar Eclipse.
For the Lunar Eclipse coming up on Mar 25, the following Monday, go back to what was happening/near Oct 14, 2023 (a Solar Eclipse in Libra) in your life; this Eclipse will put the finishing touches on it. This Eclipse on Mar 25 will again shine the light on imbalanced relationship patterns we still carry around in our backpacks. Isn’t that getting heavy? I had a fallout with someone (whom I’ve wanted to cut ties with for quite some time) at the time of the Oct 14 Eclipse. I stuck in there, but two weeks later, when the Oct 28 Lunar Eclipse came, it did the work for me, and boy, did it! That Eclipse cut ties like the Tri-State Tornado in March of 1925.
Cutting bait isn’t easy and can be draining work, to say the least. However, it plugs us back into our core values and our belief system. Somewhere deep inside you, your heart, your gut, or both, always knows what’s best for you! Whether you choose to listen to the sirens going off in your head or not is your choice. Sooner or later, you can no longer ignore the glaring truth. This is what’s coming up for you with this Eclipse on Mar 25. It’s going to shake you up and wake you up. Don’t let the Boogeyman scare you; look at it like a golden opportunity to clean house of old patterns that no longer serve who you are and who you are becoming!
Ziggy Starrdust, Rosie, and I, are keeping the light on for you. May the Force be with you.
Eva Starr