Soul Food-How to Take Back Your Power-Astrology Made Easy Starts Soon!
Years ago, I read a book that changed my Life! It was You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Then I flew to San Diego in 2001 (right after 911), studied the works of Louise Hay, and became certified to teach them to the world. That led me to teach Louise Hay’s works for the next decade. I read everything Louise wrote during my journey, including The Power is Within You, which led me to today’s blog.
Although Louise’s book You Can Heal Your Life is a must-read, The Power is Within You is right up there. I have some questions for you today.
- Is the way your day goes dependent on other people, or what happens?
- Does your self-worth depend on what other people think of you? What You Think of Me Is None of My Business – Teri Cole-Whitaker
- Is your boundary line as muddled as the Huang He (Yellow River)?
- Do you complain about the things you have to do?
- Do you give in to guilt trips? Or hold grudges?
- Are you super sensitive to criticism and take everything personally?
I’ll stop right there. It’s safe to say we all can say yes to a least one or two of these things, sadly, maybe more. There IS a rainbow in the storm. These following few paragraphs will give you steps in reclaiming your power, and although it may seem scary, the more we do these little things, the easier it becomes, and then Wala, one day you’re in charge of YOUR life! Doesn’t that sound exciting? Follow me: (Disclaimer: Of course, I’m not recommending anything against the law or that would harm you or another person).
- Try new things; you don’t need to be afraid of failure. Failure is one step closer to success; it means you’re freaking alive and want to live a life of adventure. Who cares if you fall on your face a few thousand times? At least you can say you TRIED!
- CHANGE! This one word has most people paralyzed. Change it if you’re unhappy with how things are going in your world. Trust me; no one ever died making positive changes in their life. I walked on fire, not once but twice in my life. If I had burnt my feet, which I didn’t, at least I would’ve been proud to try something new and exciting!
- If people want you to do something in relationships, business, or personal, you do NOT have to do anything you’re not in agreement with. This IS hard for most people and scary. However, the empowerment you get from standing up to someone is priceless. I’ve been there, both in work and personal relationships.
- You get to make the rule book; it’s called Jane Doe’s Book of Rules (put your name in the title). Plain and simple, it’s YOUR life you’re living, and you get to do it the way YOU want to.
You never, and I mean never, need to justify your dreams or goals to anyone (unless, of course, it’s the bank, and you’re asking for a Godzillion dollar loan to start a business growing banana trees because you want to raise monkeys in Cleveland weather).
- The word NO is not a bad word in the book of Webster! The more you practice saying NO, the easier it gets! Pretty soon, you’ll be so good at saying NO to the things you don’t want to do, don’t have time to do, or aren’t on your list of 100 Things to do Before You Die!
- You don’t have to hide your feelings! They are YOUR feelings, and you have the right to express them. My youngest daughter once told me (actually several million times) “Don’t Cry” until finally, one day, I took the reigns in MY hands and said to her, (very emphatically, I might add). “You are never permitted again to tell me “not to cry” these are MY feelings, and I will express them when and where I feel the need.” End of story, she hasn’t told me NOT to cry since. She forgets every once in a blue moon, and I gently remind her.
- ASK for help! PERIOD! Damn, ask for help when you need it. There is no more explanation required for this one.
- It’s NOT your job to FIX anyone else. You’re welcome to offer empathy, a listening ear, or a hug. This one is especially challenging for me being a Cancer; I “used” to think it was my job to be the Caretaker of the World. What a relief it is to move on from that heavy burden!
- Move on from your PAST, STOP worrying about the FUTURE, and live in The Power of NOW! The Universe has your back; even when YOU think it didn’t, it DID!
I hope this has helped at least one set of eyes that read this today. Feel free to scroll down at the end of the blog, and leave a positive comment.
Here is a link to my upcoming Astrology Made Easy classes; sign up today, and share it with a friend.
Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr