Soul Food-How to Kick-Start Your BUTT into Gear/April Starr Scopes/New Moon in Aries/

April 4, 2022by Eva Starr0
New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury and Chiron
eat the biggest frog first
Kick that Butt in Gear
Gratitude is Key
Ziggy Starrdust

Soul Food-How to Kick-Start Your BUTT into Gear/April Starr Scopes/New Moon in Aries/

Kick that Butt in GearFor me readers on the West Coast, I miss San Diego, we still have snow in Cleveland. I’ve been a busy work bee, doing the I-Astrologer Conference from April 1st to June 6th, every weekend Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays. So if you’re wondering if I fell down the Rabbit Hole, the answer is YES, but I will pop my head out every now and then hoping to see the Sunshine once and for all.

With the recent New Moon in Aries, (April 1st) which represents the Spring Equinox, we’re all excited to come out of hiding from the brutal cold, get outside, and start walking and riding our bikes again! If you’re like me, we also want to kick start our Spring renewal of mind, body, and Soul…so how do we do that?

#1. Quit hitting the SNOOZE button – for my West Coast friends you have no excuse, it’s not 17* when you wake up in the morning. Just get the %$*& out of bed!

#2. Make your bed, that’s right you laid in it, so make it! This one simple act has a subconscious effect on how you start your day!

#3. How BIG is your WHY? You need a reason to motivate you, I don’t care what it is. Find SOMETHING, anything that you have in life that drives you. I’ll do a whole blog on this later on down the road.

eat the biggest frog first#4. EAT the BIG FROG FIRST! I’ve mentioned this in my blog for eons. Each morning figure out what your biggest FROG is and do that one first! After that, the rest of the ones go down easy. Click here for the book EAT THAT FROG

#5. Take a COLD shower, trust me, no one dislikes this one more than me. They say, there’s something to it, just slowly turn the water to cold in the last minute or two when your shower’s almost done, (if you’re me, it’s more like the last ten seconds).

#6. Have a Protein shake in the morning and eat the rainbow the rest of your day. CLUE: Hamburgers & Fries aren’t the rainbow.

#7. If there’s something you don’t want to do, just do it for FIVE minutes, ANYBODY can do anything for five minutes. (Thanks Misty)

#8. Drink plenty of WATER, that’s right, that thing they call H2O…(not coffee, not Pepsi, H20)

#9. Write down your goals for the day, the week, and the month. I literally have to make a DONE list, NOT To-Do because it will always be To-Do, at least in my mind. I make a list of things Eva Starr accomplished today, and I write how long (minutes, hours, etc.) it’ll take me to do them. Then I go through my list like the Energizer Bunny and cross each one off with a highlighter as I accomplish them. This one practice alone helps keep me motivated. It’s similar to playing Beat the Clock.

#10. Do ONE thing every day that scares the living hell out of you! This one doesn’t need an explanation, if I need to elaborate then you may want to start on this one first.

#11. Mediate

Gratitude is Key#12. KEEP A DAILY GRATITUDE JOURNAL!!! Your entire Life WILL change…this one is not optional.

#13, Reward yourself at the end of the day or week, or however you feel is appropriate. For the record, I’m not talking about eating an entire deluxe pizza or a whole chocolate cake by yourself, or drinking an entire bottle of Jack Daniels…you’re smart you can figure this one out. Email me for suggestions if you’re having difficulty thinking of satisfying rewards that won’t put you back to square one.

Time to mention an accolade that I’m extremely proud of: Hot off the Press, my article in OPA magazine. (Organization for Professionals Astrologers) – Click here please Balancing the Elements in your Chart by Eva Starr

Click here for your April Starr Scopes with your Food & Diet plan recommended for your Zodiac sign.

Click here for the Aries Reach for the Moon TV Show & Spring Cleaning through the Zodiac

New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury and ChironWe just had a New Moon in Aries (April 1st): This New Moon is conjunct Mercury and Chiron as well as the Sun. The emphasis over the next couple of weeks is communication and healing through your words and alternative methods. Chiron known as the Wounded Healer is being triggered by this New Moon, heal thyself and others.

As I’ve already pointed out in my own life, this is a time we will all be as busy as a bee, meetings, lots of activity, socializing, and networking. Information overload is the word that comes to my mind when I think of how much I’m taking in these days. It’s a great time to get out from under the Winter Rock and meet new people. Eat more red berries/fruits, and also beets with red cabbage thrown in there. OK, you can add some red meat, just keep it in moderation. Did I forget to mention Red Wine, OMG how could that have happened?

Candle Color: Red

Crystals: Red Jasper, Garnet, Fire Opal, Ruby

Herb: Sage

As always, thank you for your love & support, scroll down & leave a comment in the box below…


Ziggy Starrdust

Eva Starr &

Ziggy Starrdust


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