Soul Food-Full Wolf Moon/What’s 2023 Hold for You?

January 6, 2023by Eva Starr0
wolf full moon
Moon Witch
Ziggy Starrdust_Oct_2022

Soul Food-Full Wolf Moon/What’s 2023 Hold for You?

This Full Moon, known as the Wolf Moon, arrives January 6th at 3:08p/PST & 6:08 pm/EST at 16* Cancer. Why do we call it the Wolf Moon? There are several reasons depicted in folklore; I will give a sampling of a few here. The Seneca tribe believes a wolf gave birth to the Moon by singing it into the sky. Wolves are much louder and can be sited more easily in January while on the prowl looking for a mate to breed with. Thus, marking their territory with their howls which can be heard deep into the cold, dark January nights. Wolves are nocturnal, like the Moon, both coming out at night. Being a Cancer, my ruling planet is the Moon, and I was born at 2:31 am, having a nocturnal birth chart; I’ve always preferred late nights!

The Moon in Cancer opposes the Sun in Capricorn, home and family versus career and structure. This, along with a problematic aspect (an opposition) to Mercury Retrograde, brings with it misunderstandings and communications gone awry, on top of the emotionally heightened sensitivities of the Full Moon in Cancer. This dichotomy of the heart (emotion) versus the head (rationale) is something to be aware of. Myself, being a Cancer, walk that fine line between allowing my emotions to run rampant, my feelings to getting hurt. Thus arguments ensue due to miscommunications, which run wild like the wolves.

Mercury being in Retrograde on a typical day is challenging enough, but throwing it into the mix of a Cancerian Full Moon calls for a strong balance between head and heart. Maybe less talk, more hugs, and more kisses might be the answer. These are the times the words of my generation (my parents) ring in my ears “children are meant to be seen, not heard.” I’m not suggesting you become mute for the night; however, think before you “open mouth-insert foot.”

Now, for the GOOD NEWS! The Wolf Moon is making a favorable aspect (sextile) to Uranus, giving you innovative ideas, boldness, and the spontaneity to initiate creative ways to handle the stresses, as mentioned earlier by Mercury Rx opposing the Moon. Take this and run with it; look for unexpected opportunities where you’d least expect to find them. Meet new friends while having encounters of a third kind. Be open to lightning bolt flashes of genius with unique ways of looking at things.

A Full Moon is a time of release and letting go of “what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming,” This is an opportune time to review 2022 and make yourself a list of the changes you’d like to implement for 2023. As I wrote in an earlier blog last week, hold off on taking action until after the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit, January 22nd. By that time, Mercury and Mars both will have gone direct. Get ready for the upcoming Lunar New Year by getting rid of bad habits, clutter, and negative thought patterns between now and then.

Don’t go overboard and set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals or too many too quickly. Take it slow; the tortoise wins the race. The energy in the Universe with Mercury, Mars, and Uranus all in Retrograde motion isn’t conducive to acting like a roadrunner. S-L-O-W it down a bit Speedracer! After all, you’ve got twelve months ahead of you for 2023…let it be.

Full Moon Releasing Ritual: (I took the above photo outside my house the other night, just as the witch was flying under the Moon)

  • Say the below prayer, or write your own. I like to use this statement “I am letting go of everything and everyone that no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming. I release what is not on the Divine Path of my life or aligned with my Divine Purpose. Show me how Eva Starr can help to make the world a better place and how I may serve.”

Dear God, please give me the strength to honor all my emotions and recognize the ones that help to lift me up and allow for growth. I am not afraid to express my emotions, be vulnerable, and let go. With this full Moon, I shed old skin so I can truly create the space I need to elevate, embracing the lessons along the way. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So be it.

  • Make a list of what you’re releasing & burn it, or flush down the toilet or a lake or stream.
  • Use a Silver candle and a Moonstone with Frankincense, Ylang-Ylang, or Rosemary essential oils.

How This Full Moon Affects Your Zodiac Sign


Ziggy Starrdust & I Wish You a Blessed Full M you







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