Tonight’s Full Moon is happening at 10:20pm EDT/7:20pm PDT at 10 degrees Capricorn. Check your chart for 10 degrees of both Cancer and Capricorn, to see what house it activates. This will be brief since I just returned from vacation and went back to work today.
For more on the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Venus & Jupiter
Here is a releasing prayer from Doreen Virtue I highly suggest tonight or tomorrow. This works with Archangel Michael. Take out two or more sheets of paper and a pen. Breathe deeply and relax your muscles. Then at the top pf the page, write: “Archangel Michael, what do I need to release to be fully on my path and purpose?” Jot down everything that comes to mind, including your thoughts, feelings, visions, or words. The pen may even seem to write on its own which is safe and normal when connecting with Michael’s loving energy. Make a note of everything you receive even if you don’t understand its meaning.
Then take the paper and ceremoniously destroy it, by burning it, immersing it in water, or burying it while simultaneously declaring: “I now fully release anything that is not for my highest good.”
Gotta Run, Love & Blessings,