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Sunday morning March 12th, at 7:54amPDT/10:54amEDT the moon will reach its peak of fullness at 22* Virgo, (this reflects Daylight Savings Time). With the Sun in Pisces opposing the moon in Virgo we have the dreaming, illusory head in the clouds energy (Pisces) facing the nothing but the facts mam disciplinarian (Virgo) attitude coming to...

Tonight brings about a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23* Leo/Aquarius 7:33pmEST/4:33pmPST. If you are a Leo/Aquarius, Taurus/Scorpio or have planets in those signs between 19-27 degrees this will hit you the hardest. What all this means in a nutshell: are you ready? things are about to change, however, as things go these issues have...

If you ever wondered why the dates of the Chinese New Year vary so much every year, it’s because it is associated with the moon. Just like Easter, and everything else is based on the placement and timing of the moon. The Chinese New Year is the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice. The...

SOUL FOOD-MERCURY RETROGRADE SURVIVAL GUIDE Here comes Mercury Retrograde, and this one’s going to be a doozy. Not to worry, I’ve got your back. In the next few paragraphs you’ll find your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide and a list of Do’s & Don’ts to get you though this solar setback. The Good, The Bad &...

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