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The year 2020 started out with an eclipse and a Saturn Pluto conjunction, without going into too much complicated Astrology, this is the stuff that defines “what needs to change before all hell breaks loose.” The last time this type of Astrological phenomenon happened was (1981-84) with the Aids epidemic. This is era-defining astrology. The...
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This will be brief, I just wanted to let you know the Spring Equinox, the day when light and dark are equal begins tonight at 11:50pm/EDT & 8:50pm/PDT. This is a time to bring in fresh energy, Aries represents new beginnings. Let go of everything that no longer serves who you are and who...
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Welcome to my new readers of the blog. There is quite a bit of planetary stuff going on this month, hopefully, the next blog I can devote to Soul Food with the much- needed metaphysical stories in Soul Food, which is another one of my passions, helping guide you through life’s waves. First on the...
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HELLO I’M BACK! Mercury Retrograde is already starting its shenanigans! It officially stations Retrograde, February 16th 7:53pm/EST at 12* Pisces thru March 9th 11:41pm/EST 28* Aquarius. This particular group of Retrogrades for 2020 are in the WATER sign element, yes, that means Pisces, Cancers, & Scorpios will be most affected. Make sure your home is...
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How Hot is Your Hottie? Did you ever wonder what the Stars say about you & your partner? Or you’ve met a new guy or gal, and you’re just testing the waters and want to know if they’ve got what it takes to become the real deal. Or maybe you’re just in it for the...
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YOU could be the next Special Guest Star on the Reach for the Moon TV Show. I’ve been doing my TV show for going on my fourth year now. Back in the day before I moved to Cali, at the end of 2007 I did the show for about two-and-a-half years. It’s one of my...
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SNOW MOON HEATS UP THE SKY, EXPECT PASSION & FIRWORKS The February Snow Full Moon will occur on Friday the 8th on the West Coast 11:33pm/PST & Saturday the 9th at 2:33am/EST at 20* Leo opposing the Aquarian Sun. It will be making a trine to Mars, and a wide orb (out of sign) to...
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WHY DO WE STILL SEEK APPROVAL FROM OUR PARENTS? I woke up at 1:30am this morning and couldn’t get back to bed, then the next thing I looked at the clock and it was 2:30am. OK enough is enough, I’m just going to get up and write a blog! Isn’t this what writers do?...
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Friday at 2:21pm (EST) & 11:21am (PST) we have a Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20*. This is polarity of Cancer (Moon) opposing the Capricorn (Sun) which brings up issues dealing with nostalgia, dealing with the past, maternal & domestic issues, & an overload of emotions, versus Capricorn, rigid, structure, business, lessons. Our jobs...
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There’s a lot of good JuJu energy coming into the New Year 2020! We’ve got Jupiter, which just moved into Capricorn for the year, the Chinese New Year, happening on Saturday, January 25th, which is the Year of the Metal Rat. The Year of the Metal Rat 2020 will be a year of new...