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I just finished doing my TV show Reach for the Moon, Zodiac Flavor of the Month, Taurus, (click link) Spring is also a time to start new things, plant those seeds, (including tending to the Garden of your Mind). throughout my sixty-three years on Planet Earth, (soon to be 64)…I’ve learned a few things. Thank...
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I’ve been doing a whole healing detox for the last couple days, to reset my metabolism and cleanse my body of toxins, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Interesting thing, I noticed this morning that Pluto is hitting my Sun in my astrological chart indicating the need to release anything and everything in my life that...
I love doing Solar Return charts more than any chart I do. In fact, I’ve saved all of mine for the last 20+ years! I was just looking at mine from 1995, and 1998 comparing some planetary similarities. This is what a Solar Return can tell you: Your Ascendant (Rising sign) changes with each Solar...
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This year, in 2019, the full moon supermoon comes less than 4 hours after the arrival of the March 20th equinox, making this the closest coincidence of the March equinox and full moon since March 20, 2000. The equinox arrives on March 20, at 5:58 p.m. EDT, 2:58 p.m. PDT. The full moon falls on March 20, at...
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Your body is the vehicle for your Soul, much like your automobile houses your physical body, the physical body houses the Soul. The reason I am stating this is to enlighten you as to the importance of heeding the messages your body is sending you before it turns into a full-blown collision to your body...
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New Moon In Pisces/New Moon Abundance Check I am still under the weather but feel compelled to get this blog out to my readers. I will paraphrase (in blue) from some resources and give credit, for I need my rest, (Dr.’s Orders!) The March 6 new moon at 15°47′ Pisces joins Neptune and asteroid Vesta...
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Mercury Retrograde Hits the Water Signs this Year Mercury Retrograde starts Tuesday morning, March 5th, at 29* Pisces at 1:19pm/EST & 10:19am/PST and will go direct at 16* Pisces on March 28th at 9:59am/EDT & 6:59am/PDT. The changes that occurred back in the days of 1940 bring us to a time when we are looking...
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Hello Friday blog readers: I’ve been under the weather off & on during this lovely Cleveland weather here in Ohio. For those who know me, it’s hard for me to rest and do NOTHING! Although I’ve been trying to let go of the constant urge (or need) to always be doing something, (more on...
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This will be short & sweet, I’m on my way to work soon. This morning at 10:54am EST/7:54am PST we have a Full Moon at 0* Virgo opposing the Piscean Sun. I’m going to make it simple for you what to expect & how to work with these energies: Mercury & Neptune are in Pisces,...
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MAKE A DIFFERENCE It’s come to my attention that the world needs love. Yea, I know…that song comes to mind… I’m talking serious stuff here folks, whatever happened to people caring about other people, and being kind instead of selfish, mean-spirited, prejudicial human beings (and I use that word loosely) walking around this Planet Earth...