Hi everyone, if you’ve been following me for quite some time you’ll know my belief in “Words are Powerful” and everything is energy and I DO MEAN EVERYTHING. I first became amazed with all of this back in the early 70s when I used to play classical music for my plants and talk to them. Then my theory was backed up with a documentary film that came out in February of 2004 What the Bleep Do We Know?
It one several awards http://www.whatthebleep.com/bleep/awards/ and started the world thinking “outside of the box.” It also first introduced Dr. Emoto to the scene, (known for his experiments with water). If you’ve never seen his photos of water turned to pure crystalline beautiful snowflake-like formations and the ones that he subjected to negativity turned to sewage check this out http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/water-crystal.html.
I went on a “Gratitude” cruise in 2007 where Dr. Emoto was the headline speaker. I heard him speak during the week-long cruise several times. The man is well educated and quite a humorous speaker. There have been a plethora of books, movies, articles and what have you on this subject of manifestation. However, like I’ve always said as long as you’re still breathing there’s more to learn.
I discovered the book E (squared), Pam Grout, http://pamgrout.com/e-squared/ a month or so back, I probably wrote about it. It’s a number of experiments to get you started on manifestation and to prove how powerful your thoughts, words and meanderings are because everything in the Universe is energy and there for the taking.
One of the experiments in the book E(squared) is planting three separate beans, in three containers, watering them the same but speaking positively to one, and negatively to another, (I added a third placebo bean where I did “nothing” to it).
As you can see from the photo the one on the right I wrote words like “God, love, yes, and grow” on the dixie cup, and words of “hate, die, anger”, etc. on the cup on the left, and nothing in the middle one. For a more detailed explanation please watch this short video I made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpZhhe7YoA4&feature=youtu.be
The point of all of this is the Universe doesn’t know the difference if you’re driving a beat-up-old Volkswagen from the 70s or a brand new BMW convertible…it only responds to what you tell it. Everything is ENERGY, I can’t say this enough. The choice is yours, watch your words and start creating your future of what you want in your life. Dolly Parton, Jim Carey, Elvis Presley, and a host of others did the exact same thing since they were a child, they acted and talked about the life they imagined and it came to be.
Thank you for your love and support,
With Gratitude,