Why we must get DEFINITE!!! I’ll tell you why, because Jesus didn’t say “Make Me Guess.” I first heard this listening to a lecture by Edwene Gaines, who’s main purpose in life is teaching the globe about prosperity. If you ever get the chance to hear Edwene speak, do it, it’s an experience you will remember for the rest of your life.
I’ve been listening to a CD by Catherine Ponder, (another great from the early 60s who has a global ministry in Palm Springs California) and she reiterates the importance of getting DEFINITE about your goals including your prosperity. Now, I know we’ve all heard this before but it’s time for a reminder, for you and for me! In the past when I’ve had a need or desire for something and I got DEFINITE and quite specific about how much, for what, and by when the results always came. The only part of the equation we surrender is the HOW! The “HOW” of anything is always up to God, the Universe, your higher power, call it what you like.
I remember when I first wanted to study the Louise Hay work, I had just gotten laid off from a social work job, hadn’t acquired a new one yet, but I knew I wanted to go to San Diego to study the Louise Hay work and become certified to teach it. The workshop itself was close to $3000.00 not including plane fare, and spending money. I got real DEFINITE about that to the last detail. The only thing I didn’t know was HOW was this all going to happen. I surrendered the HOW and everything fell into place. I did go to San Diego, by plane, and I had spending money to boot!
Here’s how to get started:
- Find something that “motivates” you (see archive blog on How Big Is Your Why)
- Use the SMART method
- Specific.
- Measurable.
- Attainable.
- Relevant.
- Time Bound
- WRITE IT DOWN! On paper and with PEN (not pencil). I can’t stress this one enough!!!
- Have an ACTION PLAN. Start with at least your first step, you can revamp along the way.
- STAY WITH IT! This is where most people fail, that’s why the first bulleted point is so important.
Thanks for you time, generosity, and continued support.
Love & Gratitude,