What You Seek, Seeks You

February 14, 2012by Eva Starr0

What You Seek, Seeks You

I have this uncanny knack lately to think a thing and then I find it. Mostly it happens with small items that I have an apparent need for in my home or kitchen. I find a multitude of these items at the Goodwill or The Salvation Army both within a block or tow of where I live.

The other day my apartment manager asked me if I would make a 1/2 sheet cake for a baby shower she was attending for her daughter. I told her I would do it. The problem was I didn’t have any 1/2 sheet pans. The very next day I went to the Goodwill with a female friend who wanted to check out the Goodwill near me, and lo and behold I found TWO commercial 1/2 sheet pans, for $3.99. This kind of stuff happens to me all the time. Especially since I started keeping a synchronistic journal it happens with greater freqeuncy. Of course I am still working on some of the more challenging things, but I am the one that holds it in my consciousness regarding the bigger things. If I had the same feelings about everything they would come in the same manner. So how do we bring the “challenging” things into our lives? Same way you get to Carnegie Hall, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

If you haven’t started a synchronistic journal then I highly suggest you start one. Get a journal and everytime someting happens that most people might call coincidence, write it down in your synchrosnistic journal. Meditation on a daily basis will also bring you closer to your source, God energy.

Other ways are keeping a “God Box”, or a “Wish List”, make Treasure Maps, or just simply start talking about things in a non-chalant manner as if you had them. The Universe doesn’t know the difference whether you drive a Volkswagon or a Mercedes. I’ve talked about this stuff a Godzillion times, just do it!

For more on The Magical Creation Box (scroll to page 70)

What It’s Like on the Other Side

I started reading a fascinating book Sunday afternoon, which I had heard about Dannion Brinkley (the author) before but never read his first book “Saved by the Light”. Saved by the Light is a story about a 25 year old South Carolinian that gets struck by lighting, is clinically dead for 28 minutes and proceeds to go into the light, glimpses Heaven then returns to his body.

This book (Secrets of the Light) is the third in a series dealing with what goes on beyond the veil. Since Brinkley’s first experience with death in 1975 he’s had two more near death experiences and once again was given the opportunity to move beyond the veil. The book itself is an eye-opener to those of you unfamiliar with life after death.

I myself am no foreigner to these concepts due to my work with clients and past-life regression. When I lived in Cleveland, I regressed several clients to their death scene in the past-life regressions and witnessed each and everyone of them recite almost identical to me what that experience was like “crossing into the light.”

I share this with you because I am absolutely impressed with the accuracy of Brinkley’s account of the hereafter and his work with Dr. Raymond Moody “Life After Life”. One of the main points that Brinkley drives home is there is no you, me and them. There is only ONE, yeah that’s right ONE existence, we are all connected, pieces of the puzzle, one WHOLE unit…not separate WHOLE. Need I repeat this? WHOLE! Do you get it???

I will leave you with this thought…if tomorrow you crossed over into the light and your whole life would be shone to you as a panoramic view of every single thought, deed, and action toward every human being you came into contact with would you be OK with it?

“If your life would end today, could you face your movie? If not maybe it’s time to re-write your script.” ~ Eva Starr

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