What Is This Thing Called Love?

February 14, 2012by Eva Starr0

What Is This Thing Called Love?

What is LOVE? I could probably ask all of you to give me your own personal definition of Love and I’d have a few hundred different answers…which is OK by me. You see LOVE is seen, felt, experienced through your lenses, so therefore YOUR experience of LOVE is unique unto you.

I do know this, LOVE is the answer, and don’t ask me what the question is, it doesn’t matter. Of course, the world isn’t entirely ready to hear about LOVE, because if it was our Planet Earth wouldn’t be in the shape it’s in. If we were ready to understand LOVE we would not have wars, not judge the people on the freeways, and not have prejudices.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am still working on loving a lot of the things that piss me off. Let me rephrase that for you. I am working on accepting that what I see “out there” is merely a reflection of a part of me “in here” that I need to understand and then accept. It’s the shadow self, the mirror thing, call it what you want.

If my LOVE cup is empty I cannot love you. If I don’t love myself, I therefore don’t know how to love you. Think of it this way…like attracts like. So if I think of myself as unworthy, or live in the victim neighborhood, then I am going to attract to me things that vibrate on that same level, (or live in the same metaphorical neighborhood). Are you still with me?

Giving & Receiving Are the Same

Love is the Heads and Tails of a coin, it is the Giving and Receiving. When someone is giving, someone else is receiving, and both parties are experiencing a facet of LOVE. If you are offering me something, you are acting out of love, and the same thing goes for me when I am accepting your “gift”. 

You see it brings you pleasure to give and it brings me pleasure to receive. When I refuse help from a stranger on the street I am taking away from him. If you think about this for a few minutes I believe you will see it in another light, another angle you may have not considered before.

OK let’s say I am having a party and you ask me “Is there anything I can bring?” and I respond “No, I’ve got it handled.” Well, I’ve just taken away from you the pleasure and the gift of giving. In this day and age of the “independent” woman, and the “super moms” and yada, yada, yada…most people are totally missing this simple human exchange of love.

I learned this lesson the hard way. I was one of those “super moms” and Ms. Independent until I realized I was robbing people of the joy of giving. So the next time someone asks you “Can I bring something?” tell them “Yeah, bring a bag of ice”, (or anything simple)…you will make their day far more than you realize.

So for this Valentine’s Day…just go about your daily activities and give and receive love everywhere you go because “Heads or Tails” it’s all the same on the Coin of Love!

“Love is STILL the answer…it really doesn’t matter WHAT the question is!” ~ Eva Starr

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