Am I the only person left on the planet: that still sends snail mail?
- that likes to talk to people in person
- that likes to talk on a telephone not text my conversations away
- that responds when you call me; I call you back
- that answers email, especially one that is eliciting a response
- that still believes in communication
- that also believes this country is NOT communicating
- that feels our children have fallen by the wayside of NOT communicating from the heart
- that still believes a handwritten note or card is a priceless treasure to behold

If any of you answered YES to at least three of the above then maybe there’s still hope for future generations.
I spent the afternoon in the Rancho Bernardo Library today transferring my old Soul Food columns to my lap top. I have over 1000 columns and still have over 500 to transfer. It was an interesting trip down memory lane to glance at all the different subject matters I’ve written about. My favorite memories are the comments that you, my dear readers took the time to write to me about, letting me know how what I write about hits home for some of, or all of you at one time or another.
I found the pictures and the titles of quite a few of the columns quite eye-catching and intriguing to say the least. My hope is for you to be able to STILL get all my Soul Food columns, plus Astrology & Cooking recipes through my Blog.
In the meantime, let’s go back to the initial subject matter for today’s column…what is happening to our younger AND some of the older generation? What is this world coming to? Are we going to have another Atlantis on our hands?
For those of you who know me, you know I am a Cancer, the Maternal one of the Zodiac, the Mother Hen, the Nostalgic walk down memory lane, need I say more? I spent four long years putting together a scrap book (with the help of my good friend Mary Cooper) for my youngest daughter Shayna for her graduation and her 18th birthday! This to me speaks volumes of what I treasure to be important in the rearing of our children. Yes, I know our children come through us not to us, (Khalil Gibran) I wrote about that remember. But, something is missing in this equation.
My oldest daughter Neysa, has done a complete 180 and turned her life around. I have a beautiful grand-daughter Rosalee Alpine (whom I’ve not met) and a son-in-law to be (whom I’ve not met). They are getting married October 27th, and I received a wedding invitation with an RSVP by text or email.
Needless to say being the mother of the bride, I am a tad hurt and more bewildered than anything else. My quandary lies in the inevitable question…Why in God’s name can’t you just pick up the phone and talk to the mother of the bride the way it’s been done for centuries? I’m wondering if the ceremony is going to be done through texting.
Now, surely I hope not…but I’m too far off from the truth of the matter, after all I have left several voice message, text messages, emails and even snail mail. Is it too much to ask to PICK UP THE PHONE?
OK, now that I’ve got that off my chest, I will resolve to letting the almighty Universe handle it and take care of the wedding details. If there’s anything the mother of the bride is suppose to know, let’s hope an Angel will come to my bedside and tell me before the Wedding Date.
In the meantime, I will follow the advice of Byron Katie, and just Love What Is!
A huge thank you goes out to all of you who still take the time to call me, email me, and write me (I LOVE getting SNAIL MAIL!).
This is Eva Starr saying Goodnight and I love you!