What Fox Medicine Can Teach You ~ “Adaptability”

February 4, 2012by Eva Starr0
What Fox Medicine Can Teach You 

During this morning’s meditation I drew the Fox card from my Animal deck. I usually write the date on the page in the book (as a record to myself) when I draw any of the cards. It was NO surprise to me that this page was loaded with dates, (I obviously draw this card a lot).


OK, I thought “WHAT” is it that I’m not understanding in my life that I repeatedly draw this particular card? Each time I read what it says about fox medicine I hear something different, which I didn’t catch the last time around. The reason I am sharing this with you today is because I feel we can ALL learn from the Fox.

“Adaptability” is one of the keywords in fox medicine, adapt to the changes that are happening, (coincidentally I’ve had TWO dreams in the last week or so where tons of change (coins) was the main symbol. OK, I’m not a total idiot I’m very aware that not only has my life been through a plethora of change (to put it mildly) but I am headed for more change. One would think that I’m adaptable, (maybe by your standards) but obviously not adaptable enough for the path God has laid out for me.

Fox is the master of camouflage and shape-shifting, watching, observing, standing in the shadows ready to be “at one” with any situation that comes in its path. Its sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing are keen, enabling the skills required to be known as a “survivor” (that’s good news for me).

I’m going to sum it up for all of you, (just in case one of you may feel “stuck” or in a “rut”):

  • adapt to the changes & the circumstances that are happening, NOT the other way around…quit trying to make the circumstances adapt to you!
  • use ALL of your life skills, (so as not to get stuck) like the story of baking the cake that I’ve told many times, CHANGE it up, do something DIFFERENT
  • be like the wind, unseen but able to weave into & through any situation
  • allow what’s next to unfold, (if you’ve been observing & watching you’ll be ready)
  • TRUST the process, LIFE (God) knows what it’s doing, trust & shift with the continuum

For more on Fox Medicine 

“Shape shift yourself into the FOX, then LOOK, LISTEN, SENSE and SMELL your way around your surroundings…you’ll be better prepared when it’s time to act. ~ Eva Starr

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