Tips on Living inthe Present

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0
Tips on Living in the Present


The Present

If you notice the sign to the right, the present goes BOTH left and right. This is because it encompasses our past AND our future. Our problem is we’re too stuck in the past, and to worried about figuring out the future.


If I can get through all of the suffering, chaos, and feeling of limbo while I gave up wine (it’s been 20 days) and while a Mercury Retrograde is going on, surely YOU can do this!


Let me share something I learned while reading Dannion Brinkley’s book Secrets of the Light. The future is only shown to us glimpses at a time, and if you’re anything like me constantly asking WHY and always wanting to know what God has in store for me, then I trust you’ve seen as much of the future that he wants you to see.


My theory is this, for those of us on the enlightened path, we may just be a little ahead of God’s plan. Do you get where I’m going with this? According to Brinkley it’s all calculated right down to the last dotting of the i and the crossing of the t’s.


So having regrets about the past and anxiety over the future isn’t doing you a bit of good. Instead try living in the present and see where that takes you. Just like I used to tell my daughter (the one with the serious addiction) when she didn’t believe anything I had to say about God or Metaphysics. I used to say to her “well then, just keep on dong what you’re doing, obviously that’s working out real well for you.” Of course, this was years ago, and now she has done a 180, has made ONE YEAR plus on her recovery, and was awarded FULL CUSTODY of her baby, my granddaughter on Friday the 16th of March. She now goes to church and talks to ME about God!


The reason I share the above story is God has a plan, in HIS time, HIS way, and you agreed to the plan before you came into the vehicle you’re traveling this planet with called your body. So you might as well save yourself a lot of money on prescriptions and psychiatrist bills if you just follow the Divine Plan you signed up for.


What if you don’t KNOW the plan you ask? Like I said, you know enough to get you to the next step, that’s the whole point I’m trying to make. It will work out in the end! If it hasn’t worked out yet, then it ain’t the end!


As for the pain and suffering, I actually tried this next step, (it’s the same as being present):

  • the only way out is through

That’s right one night this past week (actually a few) I couldn’t sleep and I was in a lot of pain, it was driving me crazy…so I thought well let’s give this stuff a try. So I laid in my bed, and was totally present with my pain, I imagined being right there with it, going through it, (instead of trying to ignore it)…and it worked, I fell asleep.


This made me think of food, (it’s the Chef in me). If you think about your food and really be “present” with your food, give gratitude for it, bless it and all the hands that were involved in making it, (the farmers, the truck drivers, the store clerks) and you properly digest it, it goes into your body and nourishes it just like it’s meant to do.


It’s the same with LIFE, be present with it. Whatever situation you’re in at the time:

  • don’t go into denial
  • quit pretending something isn’t happening
  • stop avoiding things when they come up
  • stop shoving your feelings deeper in that cave of yours


You get the picture start enjoying the present, and what you can’t enjoy at the time, move through it, digest it, be with it, feel it. You’ll be amazed how this simple little exercise can help you move through chaos, pain, and limbo.


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