This Is What Your Life Looks Like When You Put God First

May 9, 2012by Eva Starr0

You Put God First…

I’m on day #19 of my Debbie Ford 21-day consciousness cleanse…and Day #26 of giving up Wine and other intoxicants…and this is what I’ve learned thus far: (well actually I’ve learned a lot but this is what I’m going to share with you today)

  • when you put God first before everything you do, it just works…and even if it “appears” to be NOT working, it’s working out just exactly how it’s suppose to be
  • I’ve also learned that when you stick to your integrity, and do the things you want to do because you enjoy them, and not what SOMEONE ELSE wants you to do…life works out then also…

Today’s lesson will be short and to the point, I’m currently reading (yea,I know, I haven’t finished the 21-day consciousness cleanse book & I’ve started another one) God Is My CEO. (interestingly enough I’ve had this on each page of my web site as my header since I built the web site).


Larry Julian, the author shares stories about huge conglomerate corporations and how they remain successful, meet their bottom line without compromising their integrity & beliefs and still love what they do. You’ll have to read the book to fully appreciate the immense wisdom that Julian shares. Bottom line (no pun intended) is you live within God’s rules, and enjoy what you do while serving humanity. Pretty Simple Right???


To illustrate this point, here’s my first ever video: of me hula hooping, (I could barely keep it going for a minute).

Hula Hooping Eva Starr Style
Hula Hooping Eva Starr Style


Second: my attempt at hooping while drinking a Bud Light Lime (when Shayna was in town)…and this was before I knew you could become famous trying to drink alcohol while hooping (see Annabel Carberry at the bottom of the page). 

Eva Starr Hooping while drinking a Bud Light Lime
Eva Starr Hooping while
drinking a Bud Light Lime


Thirdly: this is when I let loose, used my God given talents of just being myself and enjoying it…(much better huh?)

Hooping 101  with  Eva Starr
Hooping 101 with Eva Starr


Fourthly & the Grand Prize: this young lady truly illustrates the point of putting God first, (let’s face it, you or I can’t do this WITHOUT God’s help). This young lady hoops while drinking a glass of red wine. (Now, I have something to shoot for when I go back to drinking wine again). PS This puts my drinking Bud Light Lime video to shame!

Annabel Carberry in
Annabel Carberry in “A Glass of Red”

The purpose of all of this was to drive home the point that you don’t have to be an astronaut, or a famous Hollywood, to share your God-given gifts with the world. Do what you love, do it with an attitude of “how can I serve” and watch your world light up!


This has been Eva Starr saying go out and make somebody’s day today…YOURS!

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