The Steering Wheel of Life

February 29, 2012by Eva Starr0
Whose Hands Are On the Wheel?The Steering Wheel of LifeIn the steering wheel of life, whose hands are on the wheel? I ask this question to you and to myself. I for one, sometimes feel like I’ve lost control of the wheel and my boat has gone off course and is headed who knows where on the Ocean of Life.

Although I have faith and trust that God does indeed have a plan for me…there are days where I feel I’ve lost my compass and I no longer know which is true North. If you feel the same, you are not alone my friend. So how do we get back on course, who IS at the helm?

Visualize with me now the steering wheel of your life. It can be a motorcycle, a sports car, a ship, a pick-up truck, or if you’re me these days a bicycle. Go ahead, I’ll wait, do this now. Now imagine all the hands that have ever been on that steering wheel of your life since the beginning of time. Frightening huh?

One by one, start taking those hands OFF the steering wheel of your life, put them in the back seat, throw them overboard, shove them in the trunk, hang them from the mast, or blindfold them and send them down the plank. It’s your movie, you can do with them what you please.

Now, whose hands are on the steering wheel? If the answer is YOURS, then good; keep them there and read on.

(reference: Craig Berthold)

Where is God In All This?Imagine you’re at sea, and you’re hands are at the helm, and you are the Captain of Your Ship, and you see a waterspout brewing on the port side and it doesn’t look good, so where is God? Well, he could be sitting right on the front of the bow, or standing next to you at the helm, he might even send the Coast Guard, or give you that nautical chart you misplaced, but you job is to keep your hands on the wheel.

God is not going to steer the ship for you, he will carry you when you see two sets of Footprints in the Sand, he will safely bring that ship to shore with his GUIDING hand, but at all times you my dear child must remember it is YOUR hands that must remain on the wheel of your life. God sent you here with a complete set of directions, maps, compass, and equipment to help you navigate through the winding road of  life.

You have ship mates, you have deck hands, you have a compass, you even have a lifeboat, he will not abandon ship. Keep in mind, if he didn’t think you could navigate your way around your life, he wouldn’t of given you the desire, the intent, the passion, and the wherewithal to pursue your dreams.

Yes, there will be storms, and there will be calm seas, and the ship might even capsize a time or two, but you will weather the storm and you will see the rainbow. It is you who need to take the helm, and grab hold of the steering wheel in order to gain the knowledge, the strength, the benefits, and the wisdom to pass on to others embarking on similar journeys. 

You may assist and counsel, but they must steer their own ship, however scary that may seem.  It is the same with our father, (God) who loves us more than anything.

 “If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime.”

“Get excited, raise Hell, it’s time you bring the walls of limitations come tumbling down, Amen, Alleluia!                                              

Grab that steering wheel and Ride Baby Ride!”~ Eva Starr

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