The Present

March 13, 2012by Eva Starr0

Now that I’ve finished the first week of the 21-day consciousness cleanse, (releasing the past), it’s time to move into the present. That first week felt like a month, mind you I gave up drinking wine at the same time, (might as well cleanse the physical body along with the soul). The only thing is I’ve missed some of the days and it looks like this 21-day consciousness cleanse is going to take me close to a month.

The interim in the book (21-day consciousness cleanse Debbie Ford) talks about the present before we go into day #8. “All suffering is rooted in misperception.” Allow me to say that again “All suffering is rooted in misperception.” I really like that quote and will probably have a life size poster made and post it on my wall so I can remember!

We are constantly chasing for the bigger, the better, the sweeter, the next new fan-angled quick fix of whatever it is. What’s wrong with this picture is there is no better, bigger, sweeter, or whatever. Each new thing we chase after will never be enough…the hole, the empty void, the bottomless pit that we keep trying to fill can never be filled by out there. The only thing that will satisfy that empty crater in your life is you, the spiritual image and likeness of God that you were created as.

The key to the present is be happy right where you are. It reminds me of that reggae song that came out in the 80s (I think it was the 80s) “Be Happy.” Sounds simple huh? Just quite taking life so seriously and start being grateful for what you have right now in the here and now!

Now that we started letting go of the past, it’s time to get rid of those pair of shoes we keep trying to stuff our feet into. You’re never giong to be small enough, tall enough, smart enough for all those people. Get rid of your old shoes, and go get yourself a pair just made for YOU, that will fit you exactly as you are and be happy with those shoes. (Interesting;y enough, I had two dreams the last few nights about shoes). Shoes is a metaphor for our belief system and what we stand for, and stand upon. I’ve always used this analogy in teaching my metaphysical classes, so dreams about shoes is a common one for me. But I wasn’t aware that when I picked up the book this morning there it was “shoes” in black and white all over the page. Seems like Debbie Ford and I have a few more things in common than I thought.

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