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Top Thrill 2

Soul Food-Full Moon/Shake, Rattle & Roll Today, February 12th, at 8:53 AM EST, 5:53 AM PST, we have a Full Moon at 24° Leo opposing the 24° Aquarian Sun. This means that the Moon and the Sun are in opposite signs, Leo and Aquarius, which can create tension between our personal desires (Leo) and our...

full moon leo_
leo _ strength

Soul Food-Leo Full Moon/Intensity & Romance The full moon occurs today February 16th at 8:56am/PST & 11:56am/EST at 28* Leo/Aquarius. An hour or so before Lady Venus meets up with Warrior Mars and forms a conjunction (a powerful aspect) bring out the Lion/Lioness in you and those animalistic energies want to roar with an intensity...

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