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wolf full moon
Mercury Rx Proceed with Caution
Mercury Rx Re-Do
Mercury Rx Drunk Dial
Mercury Rx Computer
Mercury Can You Not

Soul Food-It’s here…Mercury Retrograde/Full Moon in Cancer Well, if you haven’t figured it out by now, Mercury Retrograde is off and running. He hit the road early yesterday morning at 6:14am/EST at 10* Aquarius and will continue until February 3rd at 24* Capricorn at 11:13pm/EST Although we’ve been feeling the shadow period (which comes a...

January 15, 2022Astrologyby Eva Starr
Mercury Rx Computer
Mercury Rx Drunk Dial
Mercury Can You Not
Mercury Rx Re-Do

This time around the three Mercury Retrogrades for 2021 will be in air signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. This particular Mercury Retrograde is occuring at 26* Aquarius, 7:52am/PST & 10:52am/EST on Saturday January 30, 2021. I’m sure some of you have already felt the effects of the upcoming Retrograde (because we are in the shadow...

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