
This is a test

I'm on day #19 of my Debbie Ford 21-day consciousness cleanse...and Day #26 of giving up Wine and other intoxicants...and this is what I've learned thus far: (well actually I've learned a lot but this is what I'm going to share with you today) when you put God first before everything you do, it just works...and even if it "appears" to be NOT working, it's working out just exactly how it's suppose to be I've also learned that when you stick to your integrity, and do the things you want to do because you enjoy them, and not what SOMEONE ELSE wants you to works out then also... Today's lesson will be short and to the point, I'm currently reading (yea,I know, I haven't finished the 21-day consciousness cleanse book & I've started another one) God Is My CEO. (interestingly enough I've had this on each page of my web site as my header since I built the web site).

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