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Our second full moon of March is a Blue Moon, arriving on the scene at 8:36am EDT, at almost 11* Libra, March 31st. Libra embodies everything beautiful, peaceful and harmonious. Think of flowers, artists, weddings, music, and nature. At the time of this Blue Full Moon Taurus is rising on the horizon, which is ruled...

Donec vehicula erat ac semper feugiat. Nam ut justo et neque aliquet tempor at quis ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed id efficitur urna. Donec et nunc sapien. Suspendisse porta commodo ante, non vulputate libero commodo ut. Integer molestie massa sapien, vel pellentesque quam fringilla non. Mauris...

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