Stop Hitting the Snooze Button

February 24, 2013by Eva Starr0

Stop Hitting the Snooze Button 

Snooze ButtonWhat’s the biggest obstacle to getting your life on track???No, it’s not your EX, your Boss, or your kids. It’s not even the economy, or your illness, or the hurricane, or the blizzard. And last but not least it’s NOT the government.

Well, if it’s none of the above—what is stopping you from living the life of your dreams. I’ll tell you what it is…it’s YOU! That’s right, you, me, and anyone else reading this right now.

We need to stop hitting the snooze button of our lives and get out of our own way. This isn’t the first time you’ve this from me and any of the other self-help gurus. I’ve taught workshops and wrote about this for eons. It’s Your Movie…remember some of you even have that CD of mine, the mini- Hay workshop CD.

Locate the switch to your life and turn it on. I just started another book Stop Saying You’re Fine by Mel Robbins and it’s inspired me. Yea, we all have our moments (some of us turn them into weeks, months or even years). Thank God I have Aries rising, and I normally don’t wallow in that Cancer Sun of mine for more than a day or so.

“You were born with resistance, it’s an inner evolutionary bias to take the safe bet, the sure thing, the known path. Whenever you’re feeling bored, bummed, or broken, you’re power is off and resistance is on.

Resistance loves surfing the Web, veging out in front of the TV, sticking to routine, not picking up the phone, hitting the snooze, avoiding confrontation, making excuses, rumination, and isolation.” ~ Mel Robbins

The 64 Million Dollar Question is this: “Will you make the choice to hit the snooze button and put your life on hold or will you do something?”

Start asking yourself WHAT IF? I have a friend from Cleveland and we email each other with “WHAT IF” possibilities…some are made up and some are real, but the point is the made up ones, (at least for me) I put them out there because I BELIEVE they will turn into the REAL ones! (I didn’t get to California because I just sat around thinking about it…but thinking about it put the wheels in motion…then came action, then came Cali.)

I’ve said this before in my Louise Hay classes, just take one action step toward a goal, then another, then another. Stop shoulding on yourself and change your shoulds to COULDS! This isn’t Rocket Science guys and gals, nor is this the first time you’ve heard this from me or the rest of the Universe.

So right now, STOP what you’re doing and write down ONE thing that is a dream of yours. Then right down three small steps you would need to take to make it happen!

Go ahead and email me if you wish, so you have it in writing and someone to be accountable to. In reality, YOU are the one to be accountable to…YOU hold the KEYS to your life. So go ahead, put that key into the ignition and put it in gear, and put your foot on the gas, and go baby go!

This is Eva Starr saying “I love you…and till next time…”

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