In case you missed the last blog, my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself (after many years of procrastination) is finally here. I want to thank all of my readers for their loyalty to my column throughout the years. I’d suggest ordering the book now to be sure of arrival before the book signing. Get it here Starr’s Book, mark your calendars for June 27th, Saturday for the book signing at Goddess Blessed, in Lakewood, from 1pm-to 3pm. Goddess Blessed is an AMAZING metaphysical, Goddess boutique with everything today’s Goddess could wish for. (further details on the book-signing when I create the flyer)
I am also in town to celebrate my 60th birthday, (you know how I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv my birthday! I hope to see all of you at the book signing.
Here’s a blast from the past video to remind us all “how to make it through this crazy world and still remain sane.” Enjoy
Thank you for your continued Love, Support, & Generosity,