Starr Scopes & The Intuitive Way

September 2, 2013by Eva Starr0

Hi everyone…hope you enjoyed your Labor Day Weekend! Here’s the link to the Starr Scopes for September & October

Now for the soul transformation stuff…I wish I could say I just laid around on the beach during the Labor Day weekend…but NOT! I’m always trying to learn more, understand more, and transform more so I can pass it all on to you my faithful readers and students!

This past weekend I read more of Penny Peirce’s book The Intuitive Way IWay3rdEdMedShad72which is challenging to stay with it because she has a lot of exercises…but that’s the beauty of it! IF you stay with it and do the exercises you will learn more, grow more and transform more than I could ever do for you.

So I stayed with it and journaled and wrote, and wrote and wrote…and I am glad I did. I got to know myself more, I got to see through the blinders I put on…and I got to dig reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal deep and discover some unhidden truths which led to discoveries that only those who dig for gold could understand!

I will leave the above links for you to discover on your own…but I will share this with you:

  • the Conscious mind has NO memory
  • the sub-conscious mind is all the stuff your body feels
  • the super-conscious mind is your SOUL and within lies the secret to all you’ll ever need to know

Until next time…I love you

“Once you scratch the surface…there’s no turning back.” ~ Eva Starr

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