Starr Food~Thunder Full Moon-PURGE Baby PURGE

July 16, 2019by Eva Starr0

I’m going to be brief because this Mercury Retrograde is KICKING MY ASS! I’ve had more computer issues, and communication issues than the Heavens have Stars. The Native Americans named this Thunder Moon or Buck Moon, for more info Native Amercian meanings for Moon names.

This full moon, also a partial eclipse, is happening tonight at 24* Capricorn at 5:38pm/EDT 2:38pm/PDT. It is a heavy-duty full moon, and I mean heavy, as in energy, emotions, cleansing your aura, (along with you physical body), getting deep into your psyche, etc. due to it’s tight conjuntion with Saturn and Pluto.  Think discipline, hard work, transformation, that has been developing over a long period of time. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction occurs once every 36 years, so go back to what was happening in your life 36 years ago.

This is the second of four eclipses happening in Capricorn until July 2020. Go back to January 5th of this year, to give you some insight as to what was happening in your world, as you know it. That’s when you planted the seed, and for the next year you will be tending the garden. Remember the ol’ cliche, “You reap, what you sow?” This is why we need to pay close attention to our thoughts and our words. I’m pretty sure my readers are aware of this, however, a word to the wise!

These eclipses (solar/lunar) are hitting hard the Cancers, (Cancers, sorry but you’re getting hit extra hard because Mercury Retrograde will be moving back into Cancer on the 19th, (lucky me), and the Capricorns. Next hit are the Aries and the Libras.

Here’s my suggestions:

Gather the following:

  • take a cleansing bath with sea salts (use some of the suggested essential oils below)
  • get a candle: (black, brown, or green)
  • anoit your candle with essential oils: eucalyptus, tea tree, ginger, chamomile, patchouli, sandalwood
  • crystals: malachite, obsidian, smoky quartz
  • a pen, and a journal

After you’ve set the mood, write in your journal what you’d like to release, (think I’m clearing out the closets of my life (mind) with what no longer serves who I am, and who I am becoming.) Read it aloud, then burn it, (in a safe place) Chant BEGONE!

Now, you’re ready to write in your journal the new positive thought patterns, rituals, habits, etc. you’d like to create and manifest.

Here’s a guide to How this Full Moon will affect each Zodiac Sign. If I inspire, empower, or entertain you feel free to drop a coin in the donate button. Thank you for your continued support so that may continue working with spirit to serve.

Love & Gratitude,

Eva Starr (PS I don’t have time to proof read, I wanted to get this out to you, & Mercury Retrograde is playing games with me).




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