Starr Food-Today’s Full Moon…You Can’t Run Anymore…

October 13, 2019by Eva Starr0

Today’s Full Moon is occurring in Aries opposing the Libra Sun at 20* at 5:08pm/EDT & 2:08pm/PDT. This is a time to look at your relationships and your role in them. Today’s Full Moon is also bringing to the party a square to Pluto (undercover agent) and a nice trine to Jupiter (bearer of gifts). What this means to you is, you can run but you can’t hide. That’s right, like it or not, it’s time to dig deep and ask yourself some serious questions? Such as:

  • where am I going with my life (Aries moon)
  • what am I hiding behind (Pluto)
  • what fears have I created that I’m not addressing (Pluto)
  • do I have the courage to rally (Aries moon) this is not an option; you must find it deep within you (you CAN do this)
  • which dragons need slaying (see above) (Aries moon)
  • do you want transformation or not? I really don’t think you have a choice in this one my friends…
  • where is my life out of balance (Libra sun)

Pluto is not going to let you be a slacker anymore! It will hunt you down, find you, and throw you to the ground, until you look at the skeletons you’ve shoved in the closet. We’ve got to strip away the masks we’ve been hiding behind, bare our souls right down to the ugly bones. What’s the upside? Yes, there is an upside. It’s been a long time coming that this purge needed to happen, and you WILL feel better afterwards. Of course, after you’ve picked yourself up from the rubble, and dusted off the volcanic ash. Does this phrase come to mind “somethings gotta give”?

The good news, Jupiter is trine this full moon. We will be given the faith and the encouragement needed to expand our consciousness, and move toward greater growth of our souls. There is help on this journey (Jupiter), we do not need to make the trek up the mountain alone. However, we must take the first step in putting together the puzzle of our lives, one puzzle piece at a time.

This full moon is not a cake walk! However, the cosmic benefits are well worth the peeling of  layers of our psyches that we must endure. Public or private, miniscule or colossal, makes no difference. Put on your combat gear and get ready to battle with Pluto, but remember Jupiter has your back!

How this Full Moon affects your Zodiac sign

As Always, Thank you for your continued love & support,

Eva Starr

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