I hear from a variety of people that they often see the number 11*11, in their day-to-day life. What does this mean?
According to numerology, the number 11 is a ‘master number’ which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment,” writes Lonerwolf. “When paired together, 11 11 is a clear message from the universe to become conscious and aware.
As we morph into the new year of 2020, this too is a powerful number, 22 being a Master number in Numerology! Everything, and I do mean everything, as we know it is about to change!
Throughout the years I’ve done quite an extensive amount of research on the “personal numerology vibration” that is inherent in each individual’s personal numerological vibration for the coming year, based on their own birth date (i.e. mine 6-24), you don’t need the birth year or time, city, etc.
What can you gain from reading your perosnal numerological report for the upcoming year 2020?
- What changes to expect as we transition into a practical and powerful 4 Universal Year on January 1st
- The major theme you can expect to dominate your life in the new year (it’s critical you know this in advance as you start making plans for 2020)…
- Your ideal color and crystal combination for aligning with the rhythm of the Universe in 2020 (this may surprise you)…
- Your personal mantra/affirmation for the upcoming year to assist you in taking full advantage of your personal vibrations for the upcoming year
- What foods, (yes foods) are most beneficial in working with your chakras & aligning the meridans of your body
What to avoid, and what areas of focus to capitalize on for maximum prosperity, love & healing
Today only in honor of Veteran’s Day, I am offering your individulaized personal numerological report for the year 2020 for only $11.11! Yes, you heard right, $11.11, valid today only
until 11:11pm this evening! Just send an email to [email protected] with your birthdate, i.e. 6-24 (June 24) and I’ll send you a 7-10 page report for your personal year numerology in 2020!Gratitude & Blessings to You,
Eva Starr