Starr Food/New Moon in Leo/Mercury Goes Direct/Hallelujah

July 30, 2019by Eva Starr0

Don’t jump for joy too quick! Yes, there is a new moon 8* Leo, happening at 11:12pm/EDT 8:12pm/PDT and Mercury is going Direct, at 11:58pm/EDT (just before Midnight) and 8:58pm/PDT. the new moon is conjunct Venus, which is a good thing. However, it is also square Uranus, the change-maker, out of nowhere tornado planet. Let’s be patient, and not run to the bank and take financial risks, we need to wait this one out. Plus, as you’re aware the dust from the Retrograde takes some time to settle as it gets back on it’s course and up to full speed.

I don’t know about you, but if you’re anything like my friends and family, this has been ONE HELLUVA ROUCH MERCURY RETROGRADE RIDE! And, I for one, can’t wait to get off the damn bus!!!

Do your New Moon Abundance Check, make your wishes involving creativity, fun, romance, and children (or your inner child).

I’ve got to keep this brief, I’m still trying to play catch up from the debri left from the Retrograde.

How this New Moon will Affect your Sign



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