Starr Food-New Moon in Gemini/Law of Abundance/Solar Returns

June 2, 2019by Eva Starr0

This New Moon in Gemini occurs roughly at 13* Gemini at 6:02am/EDT & 3:02am/PDT, Monday, June 3rd, to start the work week off. It’s Gemini season, and all is fair in the world of wit, charm, insatiable curiosity, and communication of all sorts, especially around the neighborhood haunts. Expect Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde to join the party, you’ll definitely be kept on your toes, since you never know which one is going to show up. Change is in the air, but you may not recognize it because it will be donning its camouflage apparel, along with its chameleon personality.

This new moon is triggering a hit from Jupiter in Sagittarius squaring off with the God of the Sea Neptune in Pisces. They’ll be plenty of talk going on about town, but take heed. With Jupiter’s expansiveness and Neptune’s delusionary tendencies, clean those rose-colored glasses, or simply take them off, while tales are spinning larger than the Giant in Jack & the Beanstalk.

On the plus side, be inspired, let those night-time dreams fill you with ideas from the deep, and your creative juices flow just as easily as the waters they travel in. Expand your learning, take a trip to exotic places, including a few mystical magical journeys on the back of a Unicorn. The muse knows no limits when these two planets get together. Learn to play the harp, pick up that guitar, brush the dust off your easel, take a pottery class, or my favorite oil paints on canvas while sipping a Pinot Noir.

While you’re dreaming of distant locales, with your head in the clouds, just beware of all this illusory energy, and keep your feet on the ground. Also, it needs to be said, with Jupiter/Neptune over-indulgence, intoxicating behavior and the Houdini escape artist takes front and center. Keep the aforementioned in check, use moderation at all times.

Remember to do your New Moon Abundance Check, light a yellow candle, and make a list of intentions involving the Gemini theme.

It’s that time again for the Flavor of the Month Solar Return Specials.





My love, gratitude & blessings to all,




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