Mercury Retrograde Hits the Water Signs this Year
Mercury Retrograde starts Tuesday morning, March 5th, at 29* Pisces at 1:19pm/EST & 10:19am/PST and will go direct at 16* Pisces on March 28th at 9:59am/EDT & 6:59am/PDT.
The changes that occurred back in the days of 1940 bring us to a time when we are looking at the same issues. These issues are setting the stage for the important Mercury retrograde cycle that is also relevant to similarities in 1940. It is important to understand that the cosmic clock has the timing similarities that we see in the outside world. Few realize the importance of correlating the statistics with events in the outside world to the cosmic clock of the magnetic pull of planetary movements. ~
Mercury rules communication and the water signs deal with our feelings, sensitivities, and emotions. Each water sign has their own signature stamped on how this translates for them. With this Retrograde being in Pisces we’re going to be encouraged to spend extra time with understanding our shadow side, opening up our third eye, getting in tune with our psychic gifts and utilizing our right brain, our intuitive side.
Discover your dream world, dabble with your creative side, explore the underground artist in you. Have you ever wanted to try watercolors, oil paints, or maybe just get out your Buddha Board and draw and watch it disappear, as you practice release and letting go?Similar to exercising a muscle, the more we pay attention to our intuitive side, the more synchronicities cross our path. I remember when I first read Pam Grout’s E Squared years ago, the synchronicities were coming like a huge meteor shower, left and right and all around.
Mercury Retrograde is a time for reflection, and introspection, and taking time out to reexamine what’s working in our lives and what needs tweaking. We also have a New Moon in Pisces coming up the day after, and Uranus shifting into Taurus after spending the last seven years in Aries. (stayed tuned for another blog coming Wednesday)
For the next few weeks I suggest devoting time to your shadow self, get out your journals, (and actually write in them), listen to some inspirational music, strengthen your intuition and get out your paints, crayons, or sidewalk chalk. Take advantage of what Mercury Retrograde is all about in a positive way…SLOW DOWN your brain, and let your Inner Child come out to play. Oh yea, while this Retrograde is in Pisces, take off those rose-colored glasses!
Here’s your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:
DON’TS: (let’s get these out of the way)
- don’t install new software, or decide to completely overhaul your computer (you’re not the Geek Squad) & even if you are, this is NOT the time to do it
- watch your words, this is the time when people tend to “open mouth, insert foot, or whole leg” and for God’s sake; don’t drunk text or FB after doing shots of Tequila, it’s bad enough when we do it without the
- double check, triple check, all documents, emails, posts, and appointments, you don’t want to end up in Tijuana, when your friend said Topanga, or if you’re in Ohio, same thing you don’t want to end up stranded in Kinsman when you’re friend is waiting for you in Kirkland
- don’t sign any important contracts or start a new job
- hold off signing on the dotted line for that new house or your new Lincoln
- planes, trains, & automobiles; if at all possible hold off travel, if you must, triple check everything; be extra careful with keys, batteries, tires
- HOLD OFF on trying new daring adventures at this time, if you’ve never climbed Mt. Everest this isn’t the time to decide you’re going to make a name for yourself, (unless you want the headlines to read “first time climber found missing in avalanche)…also don’t throw yourself in front of a train just to prove it’s not your “time” to go, (that’s just called ‘dumb-ass’)
- reassess, redo, relax, rejuvenate, redesign, rethink, reapply, reflect,
- reconnect with old friends from the past, and don’t be surprised if an ex-lover shows up at your door, this is meant for a reason so healing can happen and then the two of you can move forward, (or get back together) however I feel it’s the former
- reorganize your closets, your files
- rewrite that novel you started months ago
- revisit that project you abandoned (I have a few of those)
- something hidden is revealed, be open and aware
- If you have a “history” with something then it’s OK to sign the deal on a house you have a history with (you put a bid on it months ago, you babysat the neighbors kids in that house, etc.)
- if you’re old boss (whom you liked) is at a new company & offers you a job
- if you’re in sales, cars, real estate etc. look up former clients you have an established “history” with
- you started building a website & put quite a bit of work into it, then let it sit for months
Click here for: How the Retrograde will Affect your Sign
As always Ziggy Starrdust & I thank you for you donations and continued support,