Already blew your New Year’s Resolution, or worse yet, didn’t even start on it yet? Not to worry, you’re not alone; there are thousands in the same boat, including yours truly. Yeah, I’ve got great intentions (my problem is I pick too many…and then don’t know which one to start on) by having Aries rising, I’m not the best on follow through. Here’s what WE’RE going to do! (like I said I’m in this with you):
- pick one (HINT: Eat the BIG Frog First)
- start NOW (as you read this)
- chunk it down into bite size pieces (make a list of the steps to complete it)
- Salami Slice It (eat one slice at a time)
- Set a Deadline
- Get yourself a Buddy (another procrastinator, you can find them almost anywhere) You with me Janis?
- Then Just DO IT NOW!
What do Jason Bateman, Brad Pitt & Oprah have in common? No, it’s not that they are all movie stars, (although they are & then some). It’s time for all of them to have a Solar Return done. That’s right Sagittarius, (Brad) Capricorn, (Jason) & Aquarius (Oprah) are all the Zodiacal Flavors of the Month.
Just what is a Solar Return and why should you have one done? A Solar Return is like your Natal (birth) chart but exclusive to what’s happening and where in the 15 months surrounding your birthday. The Solar Return is the exact moment the Sun “RETURNS” to the same degree, minutes & seconds as on the day that you were born. It’s like a Reader’s Digest version of your life for that birth year cycle.
Solar Returns can start to activate as early as three months prior to the birth-date. If you’re like Brad, Jason or Oprah and just had a birthday, are having a birthday or have one coming up then it’s time for your Solar Return. Your solar return depicts thing such as romances coming into your life, inheritances that come out of the blue, job changes, or radical changes like moving across the country. They are by far my most favorite and most requested chart I do. You get a 23-27 page report, and a consultation with me explaining anything you don’t understand. Special on Solar Returns 50% off expires Monday (Jan. 23 at Midnight)! Order here
For the procrastinators out there; it’s still not too late to get your numerology report for the year 2017. Just drop a donation to the Angel Wings at the top of the page requesting your Numerology along with your birth data.
Thank you for your generosity and support throughout this past year and into 2016.