For my East Coast friends, most of you have had the opportunity to take the Louise Hay course when I taught it in Cleveland for several years, but for those of you here on the West Coast this is for you:
You Can Heal Your Life
Why you can’t afford not to take the You Can Heal Your Life classes: Years ago while still living in Cleveland, OH I heard a speaker at my church Edwene Gaines give the talk. Edwene was also giving a workshop on Prosperity later that afternoon, which I attended. During the workshop Edwene was talking about the importance of tithing and one lady raised her hand and said, “I can’t afford to tithe.” Edwene looked at her and said in her southern Alabama drawl, “Honey, you can’t afford NOT to!”
That one statement has stayed with me my whole life, one I will never forget. I became a tither, (and still am to this day), went on to follow Edwene everywhere she spoke, and flew to Alabama to take one of her week-long retreats, and walked on FIRE for the first time in 2005.
After that trip, I booked an Alaskan cruise, bought a new car, and made plans to move to California. This leads me to the Louise Hay group, I first discovered Louise in the 1980s, and it literally changed my life. Then I created the opportunity and the cash to fly to California in 2001 and became certified to teach her work. I went back to Ohio and taught this group to hundreds for the next seven years before moving to California.
If you’re not living the life of your dreams, then why not? Are you holding on to limiting beliefs, are you stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, intimidated or fearful that you can’t do or have what the Universe intended you to have?
Quit making excuses and self-sabotaging yourself, and DECIDE to change all that right now. That’s right, until you commit, you’re going to stay where you’ve always been, and doing what you’ve always done. If that works for you, then stop reading here.
If on the other hand, you want to get those voices out of your head that you heard growing up, or in your adult life that you’re not good enough, or smart enough or whatever negative beliefs you’ve held on to, then make a decision.
Get yourself out of the victim neighborhood, and into the land of infinite possibilities. Whatever stage you are on in this journey called life, step it up to another level. Can you honestly look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself without wincing? Your life is a mirror, what you see in that mirror you created, if you don’t like what you see, then it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and take a chance on YOU.
This group will push your buttons, it will cause you to grow, it will move you out of your comfort zone, and it will not leave you where you are on day #1. If you want to love yourself and others more, heal your relationships and your pocketbook then what ARE you waiting for?
Your story can be re-written, are you willing? Classes start January 5th, registration a MUST by Dec. 29th! at The Philosophical Library in Escondido. For more info on the Louise Hay classes, phone Eva Starr at 440-930-8865 or email [email protected]