Soul Food~Why We Have Strife…

March 10, 2015by Eva Starr0
Hang in There Cat
Hang in There Cat

Why we have strife in our lives is the 64 million dollar question. If it’s any consolation to you these last six weeks or so (the entire month of February and the first two weeks of March) the moon has been “Void of Course” for 24-28 hours at a time. What this means is the moon isn’t making any aspects to any other planets before it moves into the next sign so it’s just hanging out in Limbo.

What this means for you and me is we sort of feel in a funk, between two doors, not out of the old door and not quite into the new door. It’s like we’re “between two worlds.” In a sense we are, we are still in “winter” mode, where are souls are hibernating in the dark cave of the night assimilating information before we “spring forward.” Yet, the seedlings have not yet sprouted, although anxious to get there.

I have had more than my share of tears, sobbing, and plan old feeling stuck. There are days I feel like I’ve come up against one brick wall after another. I’ve also felt alone in a world with billions of people, feeling I could disappear and no one would notice except the wine industry.

So what do we do when we’re in between two worlds, two seasons? We be with it, we go deep into the winter (cave), so we can prepare for spring (new beginnings). I am currently reading yet another book (I know I still haven’t finished the last 5-6) from the author Gary Zukav Soul to Soul where he delves into some of the questions we ask ourselves.

I’m also reminded we need to experience the “opposite” in our lives in order to grow, move forward, and advance the soul’s purpose so to speak. If our lives never went “out of balance” how wold we know balance. If we didn’t experience sadness, would joy mean anything to us?

Spring is around the corner, but in the meantime, feel your feelings, work within the aura of where your soul is at this time, allowing it the room and space it needs to experience and grow, into the next phase. Life is a process, and I especially need to remember that, patience is one of my lessons for the numerology of my soul for 2015.


For those of you wanting guidance, and insights into what areas of your life are activated during your Solar Return (the birthday cycle), the Zodiac Flavors of the Month are Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries…(although I’m guessing those Rams are already at the starting gate). The Solar Return can shed light on areas of finance, home, career and your relationships during your 15-month birthday cycle. Each year is completely different, personal to you and your chat alone. Respond to this email with your birth data and a contact number and I’ll set it up.

Hang in there…it’s all part of the plan

Thank you for your love and support,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr



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