If you’re like myself and most people we’re still working on Teri-Cole Whitaker’s What You Think of Me Is None of My Business. So WHY do we care what other people think?
It all boils down to one thing, and one thing only. Somewhere deep down inside of ourselves, hidden amongst the caves of our souls we still don’t “love and accept” ourselves enough, therefore seeking/needing the approval of others.
How do we stop this maddening behavior and start moving toward a fuller life without needing the approval of others?
- Identify where those beliefs came from. It’s amazing when you take the time to sit down and do some automatic writing/journaling and start asking yourself the questions: why do I need others approval? where in my life do I not love myself? is there something or someone that I feel inferior around and why? This is just a start to unleash the
negative beliefs that lay below the surface.
- Accept yourself for who you are, a unique child of God, with gifts & talents special only to you! If you base your value on what other people think of you, you’re setting yourself up for failure each and every time. You can not depend on others to fill up your love tank, in other words fulfill your emotional needs. Wayne Dyer expresses this eloquently with “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” I suggest you dig those mirrors out of hiding & start dong the “mirror work” again.
- Decide what YOU want for yourself. I admit, I tend to ask other people for their thoughts on certain things. Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with feedback once in awhile, but we have to do what it is WE want to do, and learn the lessons along the way. Sure, we’ll make mistakes, and fall down, and look like an idiot, so who #@%$&*^ cares? Isn’t that what this journey is all about?
I’ve got to run out the door to work now (where I can practice all these lovely principles).
PS It’s still not to late to order your Solar Returns, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius!
PSS Feel free to “share” to Facebook or Twitter, from the share buttons below, (I’ve still got to put the other ones on there, I’m not on Mixx, Delicious, or Digg…)
I love you, as always thank you for your generous and continued support!

One comment
January 30, 2015 at 8:30 am
Right On, Right On, Right On!
Though for some reason, easier said than done…!
PS ~ Love the cat…and her wisdom!