Soul Food~Who’s Sailing Your Ship?/Astro Specials

November 9, 2016by Eva Starr0

let god steerI apologize for being a little lax in keeping up with my weekly column Soul Food, (hopefully I’ll be back on track soon). It’s been a whirlwind of activity since I arrived back in town, most of it has been in putting out fires, some of which are still a roaring blaze with flames reaching record peaks.

However, once again, these times of opportunities (challenges) don’t come without some serious reflection. This is what I’ve come to understand over these last six weeks:

  • illusions “appear” and “feel” real
  • my plan obviously is way different than God’s plan
  • the Universe thinks I’m stronger than I think I am
  • you can’t fight war with war
  • the bottom-line truly is all about LOVE (of self & everything & everyone around you)

ship-in-harbor-is-safe-ikgbLook at it like this, if you’re cruising the waters of Lake Erie, and the lake is like glass, and it’s an absolutely gorgeous day, you don’t realize how fast you may be going on your journey until you hit choppy seas. Life is the same way, we want this accelerated path of spiritual growth yet we don’t recognize how fast we’re moving until we hit turbulence!

The turbulence appears at the time to be a “bad” thing, but in reality it’s the very thing needed to get us to stop, think, reflect; and call upon the captain of the ship (GOD) and ask for help in getting this damn ship turned around and back on course.

There will be calm days, and there will be days when the Tsunami’s hit. Our only goal through all of this is to remain at peace, and choose love. I know, it’s not that simple. I don’t know about you, but I have a feeling when I took over this life, I don’t think I asked for simple. Ride it out, put God at the helm, the shore is closer than you think.

I am just starting to get back on track with the Solar Returns, the flavor of the month (50% off) are currently Libras, Scorpios, & Sagittarius.

thank youThank you for your prayers & continued support,

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