“The Universe makes no distinction between you actually having a million dollars and your giving thought to having a million dollars. Your point of attraction is about your thoughts, not about your manifestation.”
The above statement was taking from Ester Hicks, Ask and It Is Given. Now, I’m sure most of us have read that book, some probably more than a few times, (including me), however how soon we forget, (including me).
We forget that our brains are like a giant computer; program in, program out. That’s right, it only does what we feed it, similar to our stomachs. If you continue to put garbage in your stomachs, your stomach will start throwing garbage back at ya, in the way of bad health.
This stuff isn’t rocket science but so many of us need to be reminded of it on a regualr basis. For myself, I read constantly, (that’s an understatement). I can’t go anywhere without a book in my hand. Yesterday I had to have some blood-work done, so I took a book with me for the wait at the doctor’s office. I was called within five minutes of the time I signed in. I actually was disappointed because I wanted to read more of my book.
For those of you who know me, I read 99% non-fiction metaphysical material. I’m like a Junkie, I can’t get enough. I do this for two reasons, make it three reasons:
- because I need to saturate myself with it
- because I enjoy it, and I love learning
- to share the information with my readers
Your vibration must always be aligned with what you desire, if you are NOT getting what you desire, take a look at your thoughts, and actions, and align them with the vibratory level you need to be at to attract it’s twin. With that being said, let me leave you with this thought, (cuz I’ve got to get to work);
The only thing that ever prevents your receiving something that you desire is that your habit of thought is different from your desire. My dear readers, ponder these statements as you move through hump day and toward the weekend.
If anything I share resonates with you feel free to drop a coin on the Angel wings above. Thank you for your continued generosity and blessings,